Pot-ay-toes, pot-ah-toes

Since we came home from Tahoe with a bag of (leftover) potatoes, I’ve been making lots of potato recipes.


In addition to the breakfast hash browns from Christmas morning, I made Ashley’s salt & vinegar kale mashed potatoes.

IMG_7410 IMG_7413

The recipe is awesome.  I paired it with fish (we had one filet of each cod and salmon in the freezer). 

I cooked the potatoes in the slow cooker because it made them super easy to mash later on (I used a wooden spoon!).  I nixed the garlic (fodmaps) and used olive oil instead of ghee. 


Loved the tangy vinegar flavor.  For the fish I made a simple marinade with mustard, tamari, and maple syrup.  Easy peasy.


As leftovers, they were even better!  Of course it didn’t hurt that I added avo and nooch.


What else has potatoes?  Stew!  I can’t stop with the stew.  This was another tofurky sausage, kale, and veggie winner.

I could literally eat this all winter long.


Other potato recipes I’m digging:

spanish roasted potato salad

tempeh curry

spinach and zucchini soup

breakfast slab pie

mustard roasted potatoes

…and basically everything here.

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Comments (5)

  1. Brigid

    Happy New Year, Elise! We used your restaurant reviews to find a place to eat in SaMo yesterday. I was sad that Blue Plate no longer had the falafel burger, but we still enjoyed the meal.

    Also, I will definitely be making that potato salad! It looks incredible, and I just happen to have all the ingredients on hand.

  2. josée

    You could roast the potatoes in the oven a a sidedish.. Bit of olive-oil, pinch of salt and some oregano. Or make hasselback potatoes, but you’ll have to look for a recipe yourself. Or look for stamppot recipes ;-)..

  3. Elise (Post author)

    bummer about the falafel burger. i usually ask them to sub it for the veggie burger in the big salad and they have no probs with it. have you been to the new blue plate tacos? its not really new any more i guess, but i heard great reviews. never made it there before we moved though.

  4. Pingback: Pot-ay-toes, pot-ah-toes | CookingPlanet

  5. Livi

    I love a hot soup for cold winter days! They make it so much more tolerable!

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