
Kyle and I are really bad when it comes to seeing movies.  We mean to see things and then we just never end up following through.  Last month we finally got our act together and went to see My Week with Marilyn.  Well, the theatre randomly had a power outage, so after walking all the way down to the Promenade, we just turned back around and walked back home.  I’m very embarrassed to reveal what we ended up watching instead.


Ummm yeah.  We watched a documentary about Justin Bieber.

It gets worse.

I had never actually heard a song by the Biebs (except for one they covered on Glee), but since then I’ve found myself whistling his songs.  Often.

I’m seriously 13 going on 30.


Fried quinoa brunch.

Tofu.  Peas.  Carrots.  Egg.  Quinoa.  Garlic infused olive oil.


Infusing oils is the FODMAPs loophole.  Garlic and onion are no-no ingredients on their own, but if you infuse them in oil (then ditch the actual veggies) you get the flavors without the FODMAPs.  As an FYI, I’ve read this trick works in oil but not water (something to do with the solubility of the carbohydrates).


The quinoa, tofu, and veggies were actually leftovers, so they were already mixed and good to go.  I heated them with a touch of oil, then fried up an egg.

And BAM!


This is one of two servings I had.


Since I’m still nursing a cold, I skipped exercise for the 4th day in a row (not that I’m counting or anything…grrrr).

Instead Kyle and I went for a walk.

First, to pick our new place to pick out paint colors (!!).

Then to the beach.

And then to Abbot Kinney.


We didn’t have any agenda, but I got hungry along the way so we stopped in for a bite at Seed Bistro.


I got an almond milk latte and a blueberry scone.  The scone was vegan and made with maple syrup (not agave).  I know because I asked.


It was delightful.  The blueberries were clearly fresh because they were plump and juicy, like real fruit.  Kyle said the same thing about his raspberry muffin.


On our way home we stopped into Whole Foods where I had planned on getting carrots and ended up buying bread, millet, and this face lotion too.

I’m pretty religious when it comes to face wash (I love Alba Botanica papaya cleanser), but I’m still looking for a good face lotion for daily use.  It’s not that it’s hard to find one that meets my hippie standards, it’s that it’s hard to find one that’s inexpensive and still meets my standards [formulated without parabens, phthalates, artificial colors, propylene glycol, aluminum, mineral oil, petrolatum, oxybenzone, PABA, or GMOs…you get the idea].  So far, Avalon Organics seems to be the winner I’ve been looking for (for 7 fl oz it cost $18 at WF), but I’ll let you know if I break out in hives in the next 48 hours.


Quinoa, roasted butternut squash and seitan dinner.


Maple roasted nuts for dessert.

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Comments (20)

  1. Sarah

    Sorry to hear you’ve got a cold. They suck, don’t they. I’m currently nursing a sinus and gum infection and had to call in sick from work (absolutely hate taking time off sick from work). Defo missing exercise and having my usual energy levels! Hope you feel better and back to normal soon xxx

    Tom and I are rubbish at following through on seeing films too. We usually end up renting films online instead. I can’t help but love Glee and JB’s music; much to Tom’s despair!

  2. julie

    the justin beebs movie is on my list of thigns to see ;( hahaha

  3. Katie

    Oh my gosh I watched that a couple of weeks ago while I was cleaning the house…Meeker walked in and was like WTF?!…and then he sat down and watched it with me. I also had NEVER heard one of his songs and now I kind of have a crush on him. I’m pathetic.

  4. Angie S

    I just wanted to let you know that if you do like the Avalon Organics lotion, it’s less expensive on Vitacost. In fact, many things are. I live in a part of the United States that seriously has NO resources for healthy (green) living so Vitacost is my go-to. I reap no benefits from telling you about this, just wanted to share what I consider to be my saving grace 😉 Here’s a link to the lotion you’re using:

  5. Ashley

    I’ve been eating fried quinoa too! So. Good. And, hope you feel better soon!

  6. Valerie @ FreshMutz

    I loved picking out paints colors. I am always amused how many different hues there are for one color. Feel Better!

  7. Katie

    I couldn’t find your email address, but was wondering a few things about your IBS. Does it cause you any fatigue? I am debating if IBS is what I have ( I definitely fit the symptoms ), but the horrible can’t get out of bed fatigue is what is holding me back from thinking that IBS is the pure cause, if it was I would be trying the FODmaps because eliminating foods isn’t working.

  8. chelsey @ clean eating chelsey

    totally not joking, I LOVED never say never. I watched it a few months ago and was completely in love with biebs. Ugh, I’m so lame.

  9. Hannah

    Have you written a post in the past where you talk about what beauty and hygiene products you use? I’d love some advice on what deoderant/ perfume you’ve found that is natural and actually works! Also laundry detergent…I can’t seem to find a good natural brand for my smelly yoga clothes… : /

  10. Simply Life

    that latte and scone look like the perfect combination!

  11. Amy

    Would it make you feel better if I told you that my husband and I have seen most of this doco under the pretense that we were showing our children? (who consequently are NOT Bieber fans at all) 😛

    And can I ask, you seem to do okay with wheat? I’ve read so much about wheat being a no no but I haven’t found it to make a whole lot of difference for me (but I react to other fructans) so I was curious because you occasionally post wheat breads and muffins.

  12. Elise (Post author)

    i do ok with wheat but if you notice in the meals with wheat i do try and avoid other fodmaps.
    most meals that have tofu are otherwise GF (slash wheat free).
    most meals with seitan (wheat) are with quinoa, rice or a non wheat grain.
    im sure there are exceptions when i have a stretch of days off (and minor GI woes arent terribly inconvenient) but for the most part, i try and stick to one fodmap group at a time.
    ps i have to add the asterisk that my husband doesnt have IBS so my baking and cooking is also for him…so sometimes i just make things that i know will taste good for him and dont worry as much about the fodmaps rules. if you ask me about specific recipes i may be able to guide you but i cant think of things off to top of my head.
    tomorrows post has a vegan, gluten free 3 course meal and i felt fabulous afterwards.

  13. Elise (Post author)

    i dont think i have mentioned it.
    off the top of my head:
    my fave hand soap is jason brand
    i use toms deodorant and toothpaste but i dont feel like either are nearly as effective as the more chemical-y ones, sadly.
    i use 365 brand shampoo and conditioner but i am not in love with them. theyre cheap and green so thats a perk but they dont lather and dont leave my hair silky smooth.
    i use dr hauschka chapstick – loooove it. they have tons of great products but they are kinda pricey.
    youre right about the hippie detergent and dish soap – they arent as good. period.

  14. Elise (Post author)

    that makes me so so happy 🙂 i feel the same way.

  15. Elise (Post author)

    i think IBS does play a role in fatigue. i have some for sure. do you take b12?
    my email is in the right side bar column.

  16. Elise (Post author)

    thanks angie!!!

  17. Elise (Post author)

    me too!!! hahaha

  18. Elise (Post author)

    im so sorry your infection has inflated into a mess…and that you missed hanging w your friends in town 🙁 keep your head up. kyle keeps reminding me that its just a small window of time in the big picture. sigh. i wish i had such clarity. i hate being sick.

  19. Marie

    BUT….don’t you have a new found respect for the biebs??? He really is talented!! And when you watch him with the drums when he was a kid…beyond impressive!!!! needless to say, ive got the fever 🙂

  20. Elise (Post author)

    i do!!! im not quite selena gomez status, but i think hes fantastic. and i just bought 2 of his songs.

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