Screaming Santa

My poor nieces!! 


Ha!  Why are little kids so frightened of this jolly man?? 

I swear, every family has a photo like this.  But is it normal for adults to react with laughter?  Because I can’t stop looking at the picture and cracking up.  Maybe I’m using the word “adult” a bit liberally here. 

I asked my mom to send me some of our old Santa photos and figured it’s only fair (to my nieces) if I share. 

Christmas 1985 - E & L 

Here I am with a death grip on my mom (leaving poor little Laura to fend for herself).

But nothing compares to this year…

Christmas 1986 - Laura 

You’re welcome.

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Comments (22)

  1. Lara

    This is awesome. Reminds me of two years ago when I went with my sisters to get a photo with my niece and nephew with Santa. My youngest niece was only 2, and it took about 5 people just to get her to stop crying. When they finally snapped the photo, my sister was disappointed because she wasn’t smiling right at the camera. I told her, “you’re lucky to get this!”

  2. Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie


  3. Paige

    Hahahaha awesome! Do my eyes deceive me, or are you wearing knee socks with jelly flats in that first one? Throwback. Neither of those Santas look particularly friendly so I can’t say I blame your sobbing tiny self!

  4. Libby

    hahaha! that is awesome. i love how santa not even pretending to be jolly…he looks like he’s ready to toss you off his lap and get a drink already 🙂

  5. lauren @ spiced plate

    Oh my. I was totally that kid! I think 80% of my photos with santa have my mom sitting on santa’s lap, and me sitting on my mom’s lap. i was still freaked out in them, too!

  6. Magda

    LOL 😀 You just made my day :)))) Thanks for sharing these pics 🙂 As a kid, I was always very stern on Santa photos. No scrreaming though 🙂

  7. Sarah

    I’m literally crying with laughter.

  8. Sarah

    hahaha we have one of these where my face looks like yours in the last one, and my brother has the biggest smile ever.

  9. Brenda

    Every single picture with Santa was a screaming, teary, snotty nightmare forever preserved in photos for me! My mom said at age 5 I told Santa I had an issue with him being able to break into my house whenever he wanted to and I thought that was kind of creepy and then I asked him why he felt the need to sneak around instead of using the door… No wonder I went into psych… 🙂

  10. Katie

    Ahahah!! Santa’s face in the picture with you and your sister is so good…he is not at all jazzed about having a terrified child on his lap. I can’t wait to take pictures like this soon…

  11. Jin


  12. Casey @ Insatiably Healthy

    That’s the best! too funny

  13. Rachel

    Ahaha, these are awesome!!!

  14. Tracy

    OMG Santa’s face in the pic of you and your sister cracks me UP! He looks so pissed/bored/hates his life!

  15. sarah

    This is one of the best posts ever. Definitely normal to laugh.

    I am still scarred from the year that I hopped up on Santa’s lap at the VFW Christmas party and he said “Ooh, look at what we have here. Santa LIKES redheads.” AHHHH!!

  16. Brigid

    Ha! I managed not to take any photos like this — I was apparently fine sitting on the lap of any random stranger in a costume, as long as everyone was paying attention to me.

  17. Gloria

    lol! That’s awesome. I have a picture like yours! 🙂

  18. Emily

    hahaha! This made my day!

  19. Amry

    Lol, thanks for the laugh Elise!

  20. GetSkinny GoVegan

    OMG that is too funny!

  21. Shaunna

    I actually cried! I am so grateful for this laugh today! Thank you and have a good day!

  22. chelsey @ clean eating chelsey

    one word: hilarious.

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