The fastest weekend

Ok, I don’t know why but it seemed like Sunday night came way too quickly.  Did Saturday even happen?

We went to Sausalito for a quick overnight.  After finishing all the Boxcar Children books, P is now well into The Magic Tree House series.  Once he learns to read, I may never see his face again…but for now, it’s allll about the library’s books on cd section.  Makes quiet time and road trips easy that’s for sure.

We went to fish for dinner, which we’ve been to before, since it’s a few blocks from my sister’s place.  They’re actually out of town right now, so we spent the night at their place to be closer to the Bay Area Discovery Museum.  That’s why we were going over there in the first place…just a little quick trip to do something as a fam before the school year starts next week.

The kids split a plate of fish ‘n chips and loved every single bite.  I don’t know if anyone enjoys food more than V (aside from me).  😛  She discovered tartar sauce and let me tell you – there weren’t any fries that escaped that dunk tank.

First off, Kyle and I shared one of the specials, halibut kebabs with almond pesto.  It was good (mainly the pesto part) but I’m glad we got more stuff, because it wasn’t very big.

We each got salads as well.  Kyle chose the Glad Hand Salad, which is “a Sausalito tradition, house made Glad Hand Pt. Reyes blue cheese dressing served over a wedge of crisp head lettuce and house-made sourdough croutons.” And I got the Tuscan White Bean
and Tuna Salad, which had “Iacopi bombaloni beans, house-poached albacore tuna, red onion, black olives, fresh lemon, olive oil and aged red wine vinegar.” My sister got it the last time we went and I made a mental note back then to get it next time we were there because it looked so good!

We brought chocolate from home to eat that night after getting the kids in bed, which was a LOOOOONG process on account of the new and exciting sleeping arrangements.

V ended up waking us up multiple times that night for no reason aside from boredom, so by the time the sun came up Kyle and I were exhausted.

And yet, I still wanted to try to get a workout in.  Anddddd it just so happens my sister has a peloton.

So obviously I HAD TO try it out.

Man was it funnnnnnnnnn!  I was sweating like a crazy person by the end, but it really didn’t seem as long as it was.  V was my cheerleader, watching on in awe and wonder for the full 45 minutes.  Meanwhile, P was still asleep and Kyle was on a run (outside in Marin county, brrrrr).

I had packed food for the kids from home (banana bread muffins, grapes, and cheese), but Kyle and I hit up the Molly Stone’s across the street for Peet’s coffee and hot bar action for breakfast.

After that we were off to the Museum.

Thanks to a program through our library we can get free tickets, which is what we’ve done every time we have gone.  It’s a far way to go, so not having to pay for tickets makes it doable.

I took P last month, but all of the arts and crafts were already new.

Blue Barn for lunch!

Here’s the salad monster I created – with manchego, chicken, almonds, pinenuts, and a champagne sumac vinaigrette.  It was huger than huge and yet I still finished it all off.

Kyle got a fried chicken sando.

And the kids split a ham and cheese sandwhich.

A small miracle happened on the way home!

Our only dinner plans included steak because Kyle had requested it earlier in the week.  Then I had to figure out a side dish…

I already had to hit up Nugget for the meat, so I figured I’d sort out something at the store, based on what looked good.

Sure enough, I saw a dish in the prepared foods case with roasted radicchio and broccolini seasoned with soy sauce and sesame oil that caught my eye.  Unfortunately the rest of my fam isn’t down with radicchio, so I decided to swap in rainbow chard (since we already had it growing in our garden!).

The kids were happy to get back to warm weather and played in the yard while Kyle grilled.


I had a little compote butter left over for Kyle’s steak.

I got tiny tenderloin pieces for the kids and a sirloin for me.

Followed by chocolate, it was a nice way to end the weekend.  Even if it did seem sad that Monday had already arrived.

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Comment (1)

  1. Ttrockwood

    I really desperately want a Peloton bike..!! Seriously seems like so much fun without the hassle of going to/from the gym for a soin class.
    Sounds like a fun quick trip with some tasty meals. I’m with V on the tartar sauce, that stuff is magical.

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