Too sick to stop

I am very glad to have uploaded all those old photos from my phone earlier this month because it meant I was able to share some flashback posts…but if you were curious about what you’ve been missing food-wise while I’ve been posting old content, you may as well forget about it. Germs took our house by storm and we had one of those weeks. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about. It was r o u g h.

Naturally Kyle was out of town for the entire week (isn’t that always how it goes?) while one by one, we all got sick. Mr. P was first, and so he stayed home from school at the beginning of the week, and then I got hit, and then just as he was healthy enough to return to school, Miss V caught the virus…we barely made it out of the house for anything. Basically just Target for more meds. Oof.

And if you think that was the worst part of this story, you’d be wrong, because they actually both had field trips that week (back to back, what are the chances?!?!) which I had signed up to chaperone/drive. EEK. If you know one thing about me, let it be this. I am a very reliable person. So what did I do? I sucked it up and went on those dang field trips. On Thursday we went to the Davis library for a behind the scenes look at their goings on. And then on Friday’s adventure we took a city bus onto the UC Davis campus for a scavenger hunt to wrap up a “maps” unit the 1st graders had done. They had to navigate their way across campus finding various buildings and art sculptures and the likes…and Valley girl was SUCH a trooper (especially impressive considering she slept zero minutes the night before). <– not an exaggeration. She legit pulled an all nighter the day before walking miles and miles across a university with her big brother’s class.

It was honestly pretty fun until she crashed and we were still an hour from getting home.

And OMG did I mention our sink went out?? I’m telling you…I needed way more dessert than usual this week.

But that’s all over with now.

Kyle got home safely and we are healing and life is fine. We are so lucky.

Did I ever think I’d see the day when this would be a full day of food for my foodie of a daughter? No. I truly did not.

She refused almost everything all week long…subsisting on bites. The school packed lunches for some of the 1st graders and they gave an extra to V, which is where that uncrustable sando came from, and I thought for sure she’d want it just because it was what the big kids were eating but no. [She actually said it was gross because the grape jelly was weird]

This was a caulipower cheese pizza, to which I added pepperoni. Nugget’s secret special last month had these on sale for something crazy like $2 so I bought a few to keep in the freezer for a rainy day. I made one for the three of us to split, but the kids only ate one slice (if pizza doesn’t entice an appetite, you KNOW they are sick) so I got more than enough. I thought it was really good and would definitely buy it again.

Let’s hope these germs move along and leave us alone…I’m on the 10th load of laundry in a few days and have sterilized the house so many times I can’t even imagine there’s anything left to knock us down, but I’ve been wrong before…

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Comments (4)

  1. Jo

    Not trying to be an ass, but do you think you should have gone on a field trip with a bunch of little kids if you and your daughter were super sick? I feel like I would rather someone did not infect everyone else and just skip it! Just my two cents. It’s kind of hitting a nerve because my kids are in daycare and people bring them in sick and then the entire daycare gets sick. Le sigh.

  2. Elise (Post author)

    100% agree. I actually kept her home 3 days (and him 2) but as soon as they are no longer infectious and look/feel well enough I send them back to school…in this case I was very confident she couldn’t get others sick, so I wasn’t worried about the contagious aspect (although she had minimal contact w others since the field trip was outside and we were divided into small groups to go off on our own). That said, the lack of sleep was her main issue (and a BIG problem) all day. Ideally, she would have stayed home with me and slept all day to make up for her terrible night, but I had to make a judgment call. And knowing they were very limited with chaperones and were relying on me for the field trip, I just had to do it. It was not pretty but as I’m sure you know, sometimes parenting means taking the less terrible road because the best road isn’t an option.

  3. Jo

    Makes sense! Cold/flu season is so rough.

  4. Elise (Post author)

    I know! It’s a doozy, but we have actually managed to dodge everything from the start of school until now! I do think as they get older, their immune systems get stronger and stronger. Preschool was a non-stop germ fest.

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