What I Ate

We are plugging away over here…I’m making a list of things to do over Christmas break and I’m actually really excited about it.  I’m sure I’ll be dying for the kids to return to school once we are a week in, but for now the idea of family time has me feeling the holiday spirit. 

I took a little break from my kale salad thanks to the sheet of roasted Brussels sprouts I had burning a hole in my fridge.  I had prepped a whole extra batch just for myself.  Look at me go!

I added pecans to the Brussels as well as Manchego and salmon.  And carrots on the side.  It was a perfect meal.  

For dinner I made a pork bowl with rice, citrusy cabbage slaw, and avocado.   

Can you believe the color of this cabbage?  I tossed half a head of it in a ix of olive oil and the juice from one lime and then microwaved it with a damp cloth on top for a minute or so to soften it a bit.  

Meanwhile, I made pork in the instant pot with a recipe from ATK’s Dinner Illustrated, which I have now renewed 3 times from the library.  At this point I think I should buy it, but I’m holding out that someone will get it for me for Christmas.  I’ve hinted to Kyle that I want it 830 times, but that doesn’t mean much because (according to him) I say that about too many cookbooks to keep track of.  That’s false, but he’s not food obsessed like I am, so I understand that it’s hard to keep track of.  In any event, the marinade had shallots, olive oil, lime juice, oregano, cumin, thyme, salt and pepper.  And after a quick shot in the IP it shred effortlessly. 

The kids had the same thing and there were no leftovers whatsoever. 

Doesn’t it look legit?  The cabbage was such a crazy color. 

So what are your plans for the holiday time?  Making gingerbread houses? Going sledding?  I’d like to do both of those things, plus ice skating, baking cookies, and just a bunch of family time.  The kids love spending time with me in the kitchen, so I will try to include them in cooking our meals as much as possible, too, without making myself crazy of course.  Because chopping and roasting and all that is my happy place where I zen out solo.  

Do you see me pounding my way through these chocolate bars? 

The chuao ones are lovely, but the Lucy Meifield ones are ridic.  I seriously will make room in the budget for ordering these. They are that good. 

Dark milk…with cacao, cane sugar, milk powder, and cacao butter.  Doesn’t get more simple than that, and yet somehow it’s better than anything else in the realm.  Clearly there’s something to be said for a small operation because the hand crafted work of this duo is something special. 

Love it.  

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Comments (3)

  1. Michelle

    I first tried Brussels sprouts last summer on a trip to Florida. They came with my son’s meal and he wasn’t going to eat them. I expected not to like them, but loved them! So now I roast them and add them to bowls with beans & quinoa. The question I have though is as you prep a bunch for your lunches/dinner, do you reheat them the following days? I’ve found I don’t like them as much as that first day when they’re out of the oven. Any tips?

  2. Elise (Post author)

    Yes, I reheat them a bit…they aren’t as crispy as when they are first out of the oven but I love them so much I don’t mind. Perhaps you could try a quick minute under broil instead of reheating??

  3. Michelle

    Thank you very much! I will try that.

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