Breaking foodie news

I saw this at the store and COULDN’T pass it up without trying it.

The idea of fermented watermelon sounded really bizarre, but somehow refreshing at the same time?  I don’t know.  But guess what?  It is DELISH!  It’s 100% my new favorite flavor.  And now I’m worried I’m going to have to go back to buying kombucha because of how much I liked it.  Eek!

Another recent kombucha update: my friends like it!  I even gave a scoby away to a friend who is going to try it on her own.  And better yet, my bestie tried some (my home-brew) for the first time yesterday and LOVED it and brought some home to her husband who also loved it and now I’m bringing them a 6 pack today 🙂  This is seriously the ultimate compliment.  I wouldn’t be more pleased if it were from my own husband!  She’s my “wifey” though, so it’s pretty much the same. 😉

In honor of “intuitive eating” I made this decidedly NON SALAD lunch last week because it’s what I wanted.

It’s a combo of leftovers that I merged together to make a very cohesive Greek/Mediterranean dish.

The lamb/beef meatballs were from this dinner, the tahini dressing was from this meal, and the rice was from this dinner.

It was as if it were all made to go together!  And since I had just had an intense workout at stroller strides I was reallllly feeling like I needed a super hearty lunch.  I ended up eating all eight meatballs.  Guess I was hungry!?  Pretty proud of myself for listening to my body and giving it what it was asking for even though I try to stay vegetarian until dinner.

I was planning on making a Spring pasta for dinner that night but I was still feeling meatball-y, so I pulled some veggie ones from the freezer to add in.  They are from Ikea and legitimately one of the best veggie meatballs in the market.  I can’t find previous posts mentioning them, but I know I blogged about them here before. Oh well.

The noodles had leftover pistachio pesto and basil from the garden.

And now my meatball quota has been met for the month.

This old friend.

I may be nearing the end of the obsession.  I roasted a butternut squash a few days ago and I think it will be my last.  Let’s see how far it gets me…


We got the go ahead to switch over from Reese’s Pieces to these UNREAL peanut gems, which are basically “healthier” (fair trade chocolate, non GMO) chocolate M&Ms. It’s a step in the right direction because unlike Reese’s Pieces these have actual chunks of peanuts in them.  And he doesn’t gag!  So I think we are slowly but surely working towards eating actual nuts (fingers crossed??).  I may work up the nerve to try peanut butter soon. Another perk of switching to the UNREAL candy is that he only has to eat 5 instead of 10 to meet the required dairy protein amount.  Anything to get the dose done faster!

This may be the salad that is replacing my vegan Winter salad.

Allow me to introduce the Spring Caesar.  It has kale (and romaine when it’s not E. Coli ridden) massaged with tessemae’s organic creamy vegan Caesar dressing, with cashews, sun dried tomatoes, and nooch.  It’s divine.

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Comments (3)

  1. Ttrockwood

    How fun that you’re spreading the homemade kombucha love!! You could always get a second big jar to have two brews going 🙂 you can totally make watermelon booch, it’s almost easier to do in a blender and strain than a juicer, but whatever is handy. It just needs more juice in the bottle than something like lemon ginger since the watermelon is a mild flavor.
    I’ve only had those Ikea veggie meatballs twice since i live nowhere near one and i remember they’re crazy delicious. I always have the 365 brand meatless balls or trader joe’s on hand, they’re very similar and make for a super fast meal

  2. Jenna

    I just got that one and elderberry, Jasmine and violet Spring edition. Can’t wait to try them.
    Btw, we stayed in Davis for the night on our way to Sacramento airport and it was such a nice little town! We are from Ohio, so the 90 degrees was welcome!

  3. Elise (Post author)

    Awesome! So glad you enjoyed your time in our little part of Ca. Hope you’re flying somewhere fun! I just got the spring edition too, to try out. Can’t wait!

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