
Longest shift of my life

I know there’s a ton of TWSS potential with that post title, but unfortunately it is in reference to my j-o-bizzle (so get yo’ mind out of the gutter)!  How was my day?  Does that answer the question? (not that you really asked) Four of those are mine.  Four.  Normally I’m all about saving my cup and taking advantage of the free 54 cent refills.  But, since I worked through lunch, I didn’t even get the chance to run across the street to get my Starbucks fix.  I was barely hanging on (which I guess… Read more >

The massive recap that never ends

Seriously, I hope I’m not boring you all, but this trip home was so epic, that even the Cliff’s notes version is miles long… I guess I will continue from where I left off (Saturday PM). Since the Nike half marathon started at 7 am (and I had no desire to commute into the city before that ungodly hour) I stayed at my sister’s apartment the night before.  At least something positive came out of last month’s half marathon pre-race disaster (i.e. 4 am wake up calls are NOT conducive to a happy hippie).  Spooning… Read more >

My neck AND my back

Remember that horribly inappropriate song??  Well, today I had an appt with an Osteopaedic MD who specializes in the spine.  I’ll get into the deets later, but rest assured, I’ll be making some changes so I don’t end up looking like this by my 30th birthday.   I started the day with coffee. Doesn’t that beautiful foam make you wanna dive right into it?  Flowers for Algernon is my latest read, btw, although my wait to see the MD was so short I didn’t even need it!  NYU Joint Disease knows how to treat their… Read more >

Part of the cool kids club

Today was quite the experimental cooking day.  Lately, I’ve been salivating reading all my fellow bloggers’ delish recipes, not to mention jealous that I haven’t had time to sample the popular dishes on my own!  Desperate to join in on the action and give my own reviews, I grabbed my chef hat and decided to seize the day…  I don’t have Veganomicon, but if all goes well today, I may have to make a trip to Barnes & Noble.  I started cooking in the AM, pretty much right after I woke up.  Okay, actually I… Read more >