
Loafing around

I made another hippie loaf.  This pumpkin banana bread recipe is crazy yum.  I should have made another batch way sooner.  I don’t know what was holding me back.  Actually I think I do.  I rarely let bananas get to the mega-brown state that is oh-so-perfect for bread making.  Smoothies and oats usually get them long before they reach that point of no return. This batch was moist like a muffin, but also fluffy like bread.  Perfect when warmed and topped with peanut butter. With a side of coffee and berries. The weather lately has… Read more >

Sweet tooth cravings

This weather is truly fantastic, I’m so glad I don’t work again for a few days.  Thursday was a pretty exciting work day thanks to my patient with blood glucose levels vacillating between 480 and 37.  The twelve hours flew by so quickly I hardly found time to eat everything I packed.   Kinda in love with these organic dried mangos.  I used to snack on them all the time, but then I forgot about them.  My sweet tooth is very much into dried fruit, and even though the mango looks like raw cattle hide,… Read more >

The Island of Misfit Toys

Shout out to anyone who recognizes this title (and picture).  Too bad VHS tape players are basically extinct because this is a classic as far as I’m concerned.  And now, may I present to you, our island of misfit toys… Sad, but true, these do not get used often enough.  I have no excuse.  It’s something I’m pretty ashamed to admit actually.  So I hereby vow to use both the slow cooker and the juicer once a week.  Do we have a deal?  Good.  The inspiration for this crock-pot soup came from here.  All I… Read more >

LA Love

After saying goodbye to this: And saying hello to this: I LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about feeling like I returned home.  Everything feels right in the world now.  Seriously.  There is no other way to describe it.  I just feel like – at long last – I’m back to the city where I am meant to be.  Kyle and I have been running all around So Cal, seeing friends, organizing our lives, buying a car, frequenting the WF hot bar, frequenting Starbucks, and y’know, just vegging out.  Oh, did I mention the WF hot bar?… Read more >

The beginning of the end

Where did we last leave off?  Ah yes, strolling the High Line.  I had two raw blondie macaroons from O.L.D. while we wandered over the city, and then we decided the time had come to brave the masses.  Times Square or bust?  (Personally I’d rather bust, but that feels awful to say after the Saturday night incident). I really avoid midtown, especially on the weekends, but when friends are visiting from out of town, ya gotta embrace your inner tourist…and that includes the hideously crowded 42nd street area.  I swear, all the lights and crowds… Read more >