Sausalito Day Date

Guess who I spent ALL SATURDAY with?!

This big boy and I started the day with a drive to the Bay Area Discovery Museum.  I got all his doses out of the way in the morning so we could play all day without worrying about “rest time”.  And play all day we did!

He looks sad here but he was just listening super intently to the Clifford story.

And then…

He got to meet him!

Anyway, we stayed there until 2 pm because I couldn’t pry him away.  I was hungry!  He would have stayed until 5 for sure without even caring about food.  Well, maybe not.  I did bring snacks for him after all.

For lunch we went to Belcampo at the Marin Country Mart.  I’ve been once before (P has been twice!).

He wanted a burger so I knew that was the best spot to hit up.  Plus the Country Mart is so fun to wander around.

I got two things that I couldn’t decide between.  First the kale and chicken salad with goat cheese, strawberries, beets, and slivered almonds.  It was mediocre to be honest but I was craving something green.  The chicken was cooked really weird and they didn’t even chop it up so all the skin was all stuck together which made it really unappetizing to try to eat in a salad.

These meatballs, however, MORE than made up for it.  OH my gosh were they good.  So so sooooo good.

I actually remember nearly ordering them last time I went to Belcampo, so I’m glad I got them this time around.  The sauce they came in was a creamy tomato sauce (I’m sure with dairy) and then there was undoubtably cheese and breadcrumbs in the (huge) meatballs as well.  And then there were fried baguette pieces dipped in the sauce too!  The whole thing was to die for and I ate all the sauce, all the bread, and one of the meatballs (as well as the salad) before giving my stomach a rest.  I’m happy to report I felt no GI effects at all (from the wheat or dairy).  My weird weird gut.

This guy was very into his “coffee cup of french fries”.

Dunking them one at a time in the ketchup until his plate didn’t have even a single crumb left.

I love having solo time.  Kyle and I aren’t quite as good as we should be about scheduling one on one time with each kid, but we try.  It takes far more advanced planning than you’d think!

My sister and Chris met up with us since they were out for lunch as well (and they live in Sausalito).

We hung out in the bookstore for a while reading and chatting before we each parted ways for the afternoon.

P fell asleep on the drive home, and I actually had to wake him when we arrived at our next destination!  Target!  HAHAHA.  I told him he could pick out a new LEGO set and then we built it together right there in the store (at a table in the Starbucks).   He was THRILLED about the entire thing, and I’m fairly certain it was his favorite part of the day.  He loves LEGOs big time and chose a logger truck that had 228 pieces, but came together relatively quickly.

After that we went to get poke bowls at Zumapoke downtown.  The kids bowl is super reasonable, at only $5 you get a hefty portion of fish and rice with one veg and one additional topping.  He had his leftovers for lunch the next day.  I had no leftovers.  😛

And then I had a bunch of chocolate for dessert once P was home and settled into bed.  Such a stellar day!

As you can see, Kyle and V had a ball themselves…

I set them up with breakfast (egg, tomato and cheese quiche) and lunch (mac n cheese with peas), but they went out for ice cream and Mexican food as well.

And pretty soon Kyle and P will have their own day date adventure…before school starts and things get crazy.

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Comments (3)

  1. Courtney

    I love this! It is so hard to schedule one on one time, but so important!! It is too hard right now since L is still nursing so much, but I am excited to do more one on one time with both girls as L gets older and can go for longer without me. Good job, mama. It sounds like a very special day for P!

  2. Ttrockwood

    How fun! I’m sure both of the kids really loved that….
    i remember when i was really young that something as simple as going to the gardening store with just my dad and then “helping” in the yard with him was a fantastic day :)) haha, must have been if several decades later i remember that!
    And that’s crazy amazing your tummy didn’t act up after that meal- maybe all the positive energy of the day worked some magic 😉

  3. Pingback: Creamy tomato soup or vegan vodka sauce – Hungry Hungry Hippie

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