Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Growing up in a wine family definitely has it’s perks.  Sure, you may occasionally get dubbed the “wine snob” of the group when you’re eating out, but you also have the good fortune of trying some bomb a$$ wines.  Also, when you ask your dad to share his knowledge on pairings with your readers, he is able to help you out. Meet my dad. He has graciously agreed to give some basic pointers in pairings (with a focus on vegetarian meals), so without further ado… Wine suggestions for a vegan meal Like many people, especially… Read more >

Working through the funk

Work on Thursday left me mentally drained.  I could hardly muster the energy to share the lentil loaf recipe (but it’s effing amazing so I found a way). Sigh.  I’m still in a funk but I’ll spare you all and simply show off my packed food. When pears are on their last legs, I get worried that transport will be the kiss of death, and so instead of risking mush upon arrival, I go a different (safer) route. Chopping it up and adding it on top of oatmeal seems to be the best option. The… Read more >

Lovely lentils

This recipe is long overdue.  It’s so good I’d recommend abandoning your current dinner plans and making this instead.  You won’t regret it. I first started with a dry lentil stew mix, which I soaked overnight to decrease the cooking time.  The mix had multiple kinds of beans (black, white, soy, kidney, pinto), lentils, and barley. After soaking, the 1 cup of dry mix grew to nearly triple it’s original size!   Once cooked, the yield was just over 3 cups.  Meanwhile I pulsed walnuts in the food processor.  I wanted them to be more… Read more >

Who is this girl?

When my alarm goes off in the morning, I get up immediately.  I never hit snooze.  Ever.  So yesterday it went off at 4:25 am and I popped out of bed ready to start my day the best way I know how.  However, after 46 seconds (give or take a few), I quickly came to the conclusion that working out was a bad idea.  My head was a throbbing mess and my eyes were all puffy.  [I have since discovered that I’m slightly allergic to the gorgeous bouquet Kyle got me for Valentine’s Day] So… Read more >

Loafing around

I made another hippie loaf.  This pumpkin banana bread recipe is crazy yum.  I should have made another batch way sooner.  I don’t know what was holding me back.  Actually I think I do.  I rarely let bananas get to the mega-brown state that is oh-so-perfect for bread making.  Smoothies and oats usually get them long before they reach that point of no return. This batch was moist like a muffin, but also fluffy like bread.  Perfect when warmed and topped with peanut butter. With a side of coffee and berries. The weather lately has… Read more >