Monthly Archive: June 2010

Chico (part 2)

When I last left off, we were getting brewskies at the Sierra Nevada Taproom & Restaurant. There are several cool (hippie approved) things about Sierra Nevada that you should know: In their fermentation tanks, living yeasts convert the malt sugars into alcohol and CO2.  The type of beer produced depends on the strain of yeast and the fermentation temperature profile.  So basically, the entire area smelled like nooch.  I love me some yeast 🙂 Natural bottle conditioning is one of the signature features of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.  They produce more bottle-conditioned ales than any… Read more >

Chico (part 1)

After a fun weekend+ getaway in Chico, I am back in L’town for a hot second, before heading off to Monterey and then Santa Barbara.  Can you believe we have already put over 1,000 miles on our new car!  Summer break 2010 continues… But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.  We didn’t actually head to Chico ‘til Sunday because the Saturday before was a friend’s birthday. Since our schedules are more wide-open than Lindsay Lohan’s, we stayed in the Bay Area an extra day to help him celebrate (by which I mean drink heavily… Read more >

A-lively night

You may (or may not) remember the last time I was in San Francisco when my sister and I hit up Alive the night before my half marathon.  We were both completely in love with our meals, so when she suggested we return on Thursday night, I said “yes” without thinking twice.  My sister and Kyle are both very open minded when it comes to vegan eats, but since we had others joining us for dinner, going to a vegan (mostly raw) restaurant was a bold choice.  Still, I was optimistic that they would enjoy… Read more >

Hey Mickey!

Prepare yourself for some rather graphic images.  Gigi and Lulu, you have been warned. Going… Going… Going… (Still) going… Gone! The obituary of Mickey Mouse: Mr. Mouse was violently murdered over the weekend.  The main cause of death was trauma to the head.  After each ear was removed, the culprit next moved onto the facial features.  First to go were the eyes, followed by the cute button nose, and finally, the face as a whole.  There is no telling why the head was demolished with such speed, but the beloved mouse will definitely be missed…. Read more >

Life in Lafayette

Now that I’m back in L’town (my affectionate name for the town I grew up in), it’s wedding task-a-mania up in hurrr. You’d think I’d be sleeping in (given my job-less state), but you’d be wrong.  My sinuses have been crazy pissed at me with all the location changes (NYC, LA, Mexico, Newport Beach, San Clemente, and now the Bay Area).  As a result I’ve been waking up with the sun thanks to an intense throbbing pressure in my head.  Lovely.  I’ve been buddy-buddy with Sudafed as of late. Anyways, since I’m not quite back… Read more >