Monthly Archive: October 2010

Eighty five candles

Saturday was my grandma’s 85th birthday. Well, technically it’s not until later this week, but it was her birthday PARTY at least.  I hope I’m blessed with her genes because she doesn’t look 85 at all!  Am I right or am I right?  To celebrate, my Aunt and Uncle hosted a party at their house in Laguna Beach.  Naturally, our family gatherings include lots of fun and good food, so I’ll share some of the highlights. G-ma, Auntie Wendy, me, Mom Hazel Food From left to right: vegetarian lasagna, warm ciabatta bread, turkey lasagna, salad,… Read more >

Shots and real food

I used my alarm clock every morning this week, and unfortunately that theme continued into the weekend as well.  Rough life, huh. On Friday morning I woke up early, ignored the drizzly weather and went for a quick 15 minute jog around the neighborhood, followed by an abs & arms workout back at the apartment.  Half-way through my sweat session there was a knock on the door.  Hmmm… Hesitant to answer the door in a sports bra (or reveal that I was watching The Real Housewives of D.C. reunion while working out), I opened it… Read more >


My first attempt at oatcakes was a tasty one, but the texture didn’t work. The proof was in the pudding-like consistency. So I tried again.  Much better. Now I feel confident sharing this success story with you all. Butternut banana oatcakes 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup whole wheat flour 1/4 cup NuNaturals stevia baking blend chia seed “egg” (1 scoop chia seeds + 1/8 cup water) 1/3 cup pureed butternut squash 1 banana 1 tsp cinnamon non-dairy milk (optional – I used a touch to thin the batter a bit at the end) agave… Read more >

H2Oh No

This just keeps getting better and better… Turns out denying the electricians access to our apartment yesterday may have been a blessing in disguise.  Now they can fix both the plumbing and the stove/oven “issues” at the same time while I vacate the apartment for greener pastures (by which, of course, I mean Starbucks).  That’s the only positive thing I can say about being without water for the majority of the day.  I woke up early to clean the apartment and make myself presentable, and at 8:45 on the dot the doorbell rang and next… Read more >

Lovin’ my oven

If you’re interested (and why wouldn’t you be) I am about to post the best pumpkin banana bread recipe ever.  Seriously. I don’t really think I’m that good in the baked goods department.  When I cook, I rarely stick to recipes.  I like changing things and tweaking here and there as I go based on what I have on hand and what I like…but you can’t really do that when you’re baking. Oddly enough, it was the threat of not having an oven that led me to take the plunge. Let me back up a… Read more >