Monthly Archive: March 2011

Expo Explosion

Imagine a Whole Foods the size of 15 football fields…now imagine browsing it’s aisles for two days straight…now imagine representatives from every product giving your samples of their latest and greatest to try (for free!)…and THAT, my friends, is EXPO WEST. In other words, hippie heaven. Friday started bright and early as Kyle and I made our way to Anaheim to register and all that jazz.  And before we knew it, the doors pearly gates opened and BAM! Instantly we were slammed with people pushing samples at us…nibbles and bites of savory, creamy, sweet, smooth,… Read more >

Side notes

Let’s race through the work stuff so we can get to the real story… The lunch stack! Side note: I need eco-friendly, reusable utensils.  I’ve been using the same plastic ones day in and day out [actually they are made from corn or some other hippie ingredient, but still, they are most definitely not meant for reuse].  And while I am a fan of this form of recycling, it’s kinda gross.  I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t even wash them.  I just put them back in my lunchbox once I’m done eating.  I’m saving… Read more >

Mostly brownies

I haven’t had very many interesting things to share.  The weather went from shorts and tank-top temperatures to bundle in layers degrees.  Don’t you gauge the season by outfits, too? I still fit a 4 mile run in yesterday between stuffing my face with brownies. One, two, buckle my shoe unbuckle my belt… Okay, okay, I didn’t JUST have brownies (as if you’d judge me either way). I had a huge bowl of nearly-spilling-over-the-edge oatmeal. 1 cup whole rolled oats 1 apple, chopped 1/2 cup frozen blueberries dash of cinnamon drip of NuNaturals’ vanilla stevia… Read more >

Kale is the new spinach

Anyone see the latest Modern Family?  Well, whether you did or didn’t, you’ll be happy to know that veg friendly foods are getting major shout-outs on sitcom TV as of late.  In addition to the aforementioned episode highlighting kale as the new “it” green leafy veggie, a few weeks ago seitan was featured on Parenthood.  Hooray for making vegan cuisine more mainstream!! One giant leap for vegankind… On that note, I finally got around to making a dish I’d been toying with brainstorming for a few months (yes, months). Vegan Creamed Kale Ingredients: kale, 4-6… Read more >

An Ode to Breaking the Fast

Rumor has it, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And when you think about it, if such decadent oats (like the almond, cashew & apple packed number above) are my morning baseline, then things are looking pretty good. This bowl makes me want to sing “on top of old smokeyyyy” and I have no idea why.  Anyone else remember that song?  Hmmm…may need to wikipedia it. Edited to add: On Top Of Old Smoky is about some mountain that may or may not be in the Ozarks or the central Appalachians…but the… Read more >