back into the (vegan) swing of things…

I slept in like a mo-fo today.  Guess the day full of flying and the changes in time zones, etc. caught up to me, and I just needed to get in the zzzzz’s.


I started the day like I always and silk…while I opened my accumulated mail.

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Coupons, coupons, and and more coupons (and another wedding invitation).

Then I got crackin’ on breakfast.


I went old school with my oats.  Straight up.  Nothin’ fancy.  Sometimes I just crave the simple things in life.

That held me over pretty well, but I may have had some of these mid-morning.

Picture 043

After the sugar high from the dried fig-eroos had worn off, I made some lunch.  Boca (vegan) veggie burger on a toasted Arnold’s sandwich thin with Sabra classic hummus.


The thins are one million times better toasted!!  This was a great burger, unlike the weak salad on the side.  I ate the carrots and ditched the limp romaine.


Before heading to the gym I had a plum (I think it was a little on the rare side, still a bit tart and firm, but oh well).


I had SO much energy at the gym.  I was going to town on the elliptical at resistance 13, and sweating up a storm.  I love it when you work out after a few days off and you feel like you could go forever!  I spent a long time stretching and doing ab work on the mats, and left with my endorphins flowing.


I did grocery shopping on the way home, so by the time I got back to the apt, food was very necessary.  Blueberry chobz stepped up to the plate.  Love this flavor of greek yogurt.  Mmm…

Tonight’s dinner was inspired by the cookbook my mom gave me, Vegan Italiano, and I decided to make one of the dishes with a few twists (due to the limitations of my current fridge/shelf storage sitch).

First I threw some fresh spinach in a pot…


…which quickly turned into this…


Then I added in a massive can of Cannellini beans.


While that was doing it’s thing on the stove top, I steamed fresh brocc slaw (Barzini’s confetti broccoli salad) and shredded carrots. 


Then added the bean/spinach combo on top – and voila!


All mixed up juntos…(I’m just using every different language tonight)


Bowl #1


Bowl #2

Holy frijoles this was tasty.  And SUPER filling (hello, fiber)!  I had been craving beans, but didn’t wanna make a stew/soup (I’m trying to move forward in the seasons here)…sure it may not be spring quite yet, but it’s certainly not winter anymore!  Denial issues aside, this felt like a nice fresh dish.  Plus it was really quick and easy; I’d totally make it again.  Thanks for the cookbook mom!!!


Later on I was ready for my usual dessert platter.  Since I’ve been on the west coast without my lovely dried fruit desserts, I went a bit overboard when plating.  Ummm, I made it through this slow and steady, but felt like I was about to POP the rest of the night.  Way too much fiber kids, use your imagination.

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Comments (10)

  1. Julie

    Thats a GENIUS idea with the beans spinach and slaw! Thanks girl haha

  2. Missy

    Amazing hummus coupons!! So exciting!! Love the bean dish! MMM dried figssss!

  3. lesley

    Yum to everything!!! ha, I don’t blame you for eating tons of dried fruit but the too much fiber part … yeah, probably not fun ; )

  4. fitnessnyc

    nice sweet end to the day

  5. ksgoodeats

    COUPONS GALORE!!! Love it 🙂

    Oh gosh – fiber induced stomach pains are NOT fun at all! Then I think if I eat more, the stomach ache will go away…ya, not so much!

  6. Yasmin

    Lucky! I need some Sabra’s coupons 🙂

  7. Every Gym's Nightmare

    oooo i want coupons! and those beans look awesome

  8. Erin of Care to Eat

    HERD DAT on the dessert plate. Farts galore. So worth it though.

  9. lengslog

    comin’ home to coupons! How nice! I really should use coupons more often. They really do make a difference, especially when it’s an item that i buy quite often, like soy milk (I use Silk also).

    I bet that bowl of beans did make you pop at the end of the night. LOL

  10. Sharon

    Oh my gosh, awesome with the coupons!! I want to try Tribe hummus.

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