California quickie

This morning I woke up before 7 am sans alarm (???).  I tried to get back into REM, but my body wasn’t having it.  Oh well.  I did have a few errands to run, so I washed & brushed and headed out…

By the time I got back to my apartment it was 7:15 and I had already tackled 2/3 of my day’s to-do list!!  Then I looked down at my outfit.


Note to self: do NOT leave the apartment when you’ve had less than 5 hours of sleep…I looked like some disastrous combination of sporty and scary spice (as a gift to you all, I did not take a photo of my hair, and trust me, that’s a blessing).

After I recovered from my shock and horror, I made some coffee.  I loved all the responses to the coffee question from yesterday.  Some peeps are pretty passionate about their java.  I’m a Starbucks girl myself, but I make my own coffee when I’m home.  The stronger the better!  Plus, then I can use Stevia and froth my own leche 🙂

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Coffee + dried papaya spears.  I actually had double the amount shown, but since they didn’t all fit in my hand, I stored some in my mouth 😉


A little bit later I had this Gingerberry lover.  Dear Kombucha, please release me from your vice-like grip, so that I can go back to the time when I dreamed of more normal things (like Sabra hummus and hugh jass salads).  Speaking of hummus…

How about some new products!

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Yorgo’s roasted red pepper hummus was good, but paled in comparison to Sabra’s red pepper flavor.  It’s nutritionals were a bit better (fat wise) than Sabra, which is most likely why it wasn’t quite as good (not that I want greasy hummus, but there is a thing as tasting too healthy).  That said, I bought it because it was cheaper, and at the rate I go through hummus, that’s nothing to dismiss.  Anyways, the second newbie was a cheese alternative.  I was really excited to try the cheddar flavor of Vegan Rella “cheese” after loving the mozzarella that I bought last week, but this one wasn’t nearly as good.  I think the main issue I had was that it tasted NOTHING like cheddar.  In fact, it tasted very similar to the mozz, but not quite as good.  It wasn’t as salty, and there was something bizarre about the aftertaste, but the weirdest part was how (in spite of all that) it was still really addicting! 


I had a little fruit and cheese platter for my pre-lunch snack.  The only thing missing was a glass of wine, but at 10 am, I’m pretty sure that’s a red flag for an intervention.

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A couple of slices of Alvarado street bread made their way onto to my plate too.

The rest of the day was HIGHLY repetitive, so I’ll spare you the chit chat, and just get to the montage.

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Dry beans meat your maker.  See, I multi-task!  Productive in the kitch while munching away AND watching Harry, Ron and Hermione on the morning shows.

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In case you had an apple count going, I had 5.  And the hummus didn’t survive the day either.  After the aforementioned slaughter went down, I hit the streets for some shopping (amazingly, not for groceries). 

3 hours and 0 purchases later, I returned home with my tank on empty.  Guava to the rescue!


I’m sure the suspense was eating you up inside, so there’s my next read.  Should be an easy flight book.  I spy an aisle seat…

Once my chickpeas (see photo above) were tupperwared away, I decided to gym it.  It was not the most fabulous work out ever, but at 5 pm, my energy was waning and I was more focused on what to make for dinner than what muscle group to torture exercise. 

Sabra’s classic hummus, carrots, lettuce, and cukes…and that’s a wrap.


Wrap supplementation included a massive salad on the side.





Red peppers




Dried cranberries




And that is how I roll…

While packing and watching the crazies (aka NJ trashwives) I snacked on these ginger babies.


Well kiddos, I’m off to the west coast (again), but this trip’s only going to be a short one.  I’ll be back before you know it…

I leave in just a few short hours (at 3:45 am) to fly to Nor Cal for a wedding.  I haven’t seen Kyle in almost a week!


My pre-plane food packing was minimal because I’m hoping to sleep on the flight (yeah right…), but I do have Jillian Michael’s sweet lullabies to coax me to sleep – that or she’ll have me doing ab exercises in my seat! Wish me luck!

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Comments (38)

  1. Abby

    “I think the main issue I had was that it tasted NOTHING like cheddar…” That could be a problem with cheese that’s supposed to taste like cheddar 🙂

    Anyway, that’s a great book you’re starting (if I remember–I read it awhile ago). Have you ever read any Lorrie Moore? She’s fabulous, as well.

    And I think it might be okay to do ab exercises in your seat, but if you start doing butt crunches and squeezes, you may politely be asked to go away with the men in white coats.

    Have a fun trip!

  2. VeggieGirl

    Safe travels!!

  3. Courtney

    You are Brilliant–I love the idea of storing dried papaya in your mouth while your hands are full…what better place for it?!

    Yum, yum, chickpeas from scratch rock! Do I see some homemade hummus in your future?!

    Have a safe (and fun) trip!


  4. blueeyedheart

    That’s the Vegan Rella I have… long expired… time to toss?!

    LOVE the picture of your outfit (it makes you look about eight feet tall!) — but it’s nowhere NEAR as bad as the guy I saw walking down the street in PJ pants with little bananas all over them. Yikes.

    Have a great trip!

    <3 <3

  5. MarathonVal

    Do you like Alvaro better than Ezekiel? I’ve never tried Alvaro before – maybe it’s a California thing?

    You are too funny with your love for hummus! 😉

  6. insideiamdancing

    Cheddar is hard to replicate- the real deal is just too good. Someone reviewed an almond milk cheese recently and said that was good- seen/tried it?

    Have a great trip!

  7. ksgoodeats

    NOTHING LIKE CHEDDAR?! That should be illegal – I love the ched! I also love the fruit and cheese plates! You just need a little vino, none of that Komb-who-ha stuff 😀

    Have a safe trip – you’re flying OVER me again!! One of these days, the D will be your final destination!

  8. redheadyellowdog

    you’ll have to tell me how you like she’s come undone! I heard it’s great. I just finished his book “i know this much is true” which was AWESOME. who knew 900 pages could fly by? good ol wally.

    have a safe trip!

  9. Meganerd

    Hey, I just found your blog! I went back and read the last few posts, and I’m loving it! I can’t wait to try some of your food combos. I can’t wait to read more! 😀

  10. lowandbhold

    Have fun in Cali! Abs on the plane sounds very Jillian. I wouldn’t put it past her…

  11. julie

    girl powa.

    haha 5 apples had GOT to be some kind of a record. apples & hummus is my new obsesh! kudos to you man

    have fun on the west coast! I’m super jealous of your west coast frequent flyer miles..bring back that warm weather!

  12. adrianna

    hi elise! safe travels, and have a supa time 🙂

    ? for ya…first, thanks for the jillian michaels link a few posts back. my ? is, after going to the site and downloading the cast, how to you get it to itunes? when i DL-ed it, it did so to quicktime player. or do you just listent this way on an iphone or BB? (neither of which i have, ha)


  13. Kristen

    Have a good trip! Yummy lookin’ salad. When we do find a cheddar substitute I will seriously run naked in the streets in delight. Did the vegan rella melt decently?

  14. Brooke

    Where in norcal?! Probs marin or sf area I’m guessin!! I think I need your number so I can stalk I mean text you whenever I restock on hummus. Please oh puhhleeaassee??

  15. snackface

    COME TO SF!!!! Omg I need to hunt down that cheese because every time I see you eat it, I want it. I’m just going to remind you of what’s important, though: COME TO SF!

  16. emily

    sporty & scary spice?! haha too funny!

    Have a fun and safe trip!

  17. broccolihut

    This post totally satisfies me–plenty of hummus and kombucha lovin. We have She’s Come Undone lying around here somewhere–would you recommend it?

  18. Lara (Thinspired)


    This morning I thought, “it’s been so long since Elise updated.” Then I checked your site and saw that I have been missing all of your posts since last week!!! (Some other bloggers, too!) I guess hubby reconfigure some settings on my reader and it didn’t get some right!! I’m so sorry! I’ve missed you!

    YAY for that ginger candy! I just love it 🙂

  19. carolinebee

    That bok is sooo good!!! You’ll love it! I’m having issues with your blog too, no bueno! Have fun at the wedding- i wish it was closer to ME!

  20. Jessica (jesslikesithot)

    Nor cal!?! Shoooooo, tell kyle you two are taking a detour on your way back, and to san diego! 🙂

    That apple & cheese snack platter is adorb. I always think of you when I see the vegan cheese at the grocery stores! Maybe i’ll actually buy some next time?!

  21. lookingforserenity

    hahaha, im sure you looked fine in the morning! haha- but your eats look delish! 🙂

  22. lilveggiepatch

    HA I am literally wearing the exact same thing, but in black and white (HELLO Nike outlet!).

    Hope you had a great trip! I love that book, by the way. Have you read I Know This Much Is True?

  23. elise

    is that the 900 pager?? ummm…no. but so far this is a good one.

  24. elise

    never heard of her, but i’m always looking for good book recs, so thanks!

  25. elise

    get the mozz…the cheddar flavor can be skipped. i wish i could’ve seen you…i didn’t even have time to swing by the east bay to see my fam 🙁

  26. elise

    oh no! i don’t like peeps having issues 🙁 whats the deal, yo?

  27. elise

    oh no!!! i hope everything has worked itself out!? let me know if you keep having issues (although the chances that i can do anything about it are slim to none)

  28. elise

    so far so good…and everyone else seems to have loved it!

  29. elise

    yeah, i guess thats the only real resemblance to real cheese, it DID melt.

  30. elise

    i have itunes set as my default player, so maybe you have to change that so it doesnt open with quicktime? otherwise, i think you can drag it to the itunes folder in to itunes music…im not exactly the most knowledgeable person to be recommending techie things. but the good news, is that recently jillian has been downloadable directly from itunes. it is under the podcasts section and if you enter KFI 640, then click on the sunday broadcasts, you can get hers (or any others you want).

    hope that helps!

  31. elise

    im SO sick of flyinggggggg

  32. elise

    THANKS meganerd! haha, your blog name is adorable 🙂

  33. elise

    wow, thats wy i chose this book…900 pages was a BIT intimidating…but anyways, so far i really like it, so ill let you know!

  34. elise

    yup, i waved again!

  35. elise

    i have seen that kind, maybe thatll be my next cheddar attempt…

  36. elise

    Alvarado Street is my #1…Ezek is ok and all, but a few of the flavors are a bit stiff and cardboardy. A street is great, but I’ve only seen it at a few rando stores in NYC…and never on the west coast, so depending on where you live, you may or may not get your hands on it.

  37. elise

    haha, TOSS! 8 feet tall, i wish!

  38. elise

    you know it! chickpeas in bulk ALWAYS end up with homemade hummus lovin’

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