My body is a waste-land

What a FUN weekend trip to the west coast.  And by fun, I mean booze-filled.  I was drunkface this weekend, and now I feel like I’ve been dragged home from CA.  I arrived on Friday afternoon, and before I knew it, Sunday morning came and I was heading back to NYC.  This is the view from the world’s smallest plane hang-glider I was forced to take to and from SFO.  All the Xanax in Britney’s purse couldn’t have calmed me enough for this.


Propellers?  Uhhh…I prefer the JetBlue air buses, thank you very much.  Has anyone else ever taken these things?  As far as I’m concerned, moving you around to “redistribute weight” has GOT to be a sign the plane is too small.  I was cramped and gripping the armrests as if my life depended on it.  Private jetting with P Diddy?  Not so much…

My photos are nonsense by the way, so I’ll edit, and/or delete as appropriate for a food blog 🙂


I had way too many B minuses (multiply the above photo by a LOT)…followed by a bar stashed in the clutch (I’m sure the makers of Clif bars would be thrilled to know their product fueled my drunk ass ‘til the early morning hours).

Since I seriously got my drank on, the next morning day was pretty much recovery mode. 

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Pita Pit supplied the proper grub for this: hummus + falafel + pita = love.

I asked for extra hummus on the side and devoured it in record speed.  In my hung-over stupor, I completely forgot to get a picture, but fortunately, Kyle snapped a pic on his phone, since he’s the perfect fiancé he knew my mind was still operating on a BAC of 0.1 (bad food blogger, Elise!). 

The day was mostly filled with random errands for the wedding (Kyle was a groomsman) along with some napping, showering, fooding, and wandering around downtown Chico. 

I managed to track down a Natural Foods store (my first experience at a Co-op), and bought the following:


Most of these goodies were supposed to be my plane snacks for the next day, but I have little (ok, no) self control, and a few disappeared into my belly before the flights.


Goddess Bar with seeds and nuts and chocolate, oh MY!!


Oregon Fruit and Nut Trail Mix with MASSIVE peanut butter/chocolate chips [insert HOLY YUM here] and candied almonds, salted peanuts, salted cashews, raisins and dried pineapple.  I bought 1.5 pounds, and ate well over half before the wedding on Saturday night.

I think it’s safe to say I got my fill of booze and nuts this weekend. 

At the wedding I danced the night away in 4 inch stilettos, so I think that counts for something?

There were some AWESOME parts of the evening – definitely worth mentioning, including the best man fainting after the groom’s vows, and the groom leaving his bride in the aisle after her father “gave her away.”  But Kyle’s Usher-like moves on the dance floor were far and away the highlight of the night.  My man’s got SKILLZ :)  Of course the bride and groom were GORG, too.

Drunk eating Late night snacking was v. necessary. 


Kyle will KILL me for posting this.  Ha ha.

We left early the next day (not without hitting up the bucks first, though).  After a looooooong day of traveling, we finally arrived home to the most amaze surprise evah.  New AC!


I heart our building’s staff; and our brilliant land lord, George, hooked it up once again.  I told him before I left for the weekend that our AC wasn’t keeping the place very cool, but I NEVER expected him to get us entirely new AC units in the living room AND bedroom.  WOW.  I’m in love. 

Even though it was nearly 1 am and I felt like ca-ca, I still consumed a family-sized bag of pretzels and a bowl of blueberries before I hit the sack. 

And now, rather than lament on the (unpictured) pounds and pounds of crap that went into my mouth this weekend, and the complete hiatus I have taken from all forms of exercise, I shall simply bid you all adieu and focus on the future.  I need to clean up shop.  My body is NOT a wonder-land.

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Comments (31)

  1. insideiamdancing

    Yikes- it would take more than Clif bars and kombucha to get me on that plane!

    Sounds like a cool weekend, lol…aside from the best man fainting! Glad Kyle was able to save the day!

    Trail mix definitely warrants a HOLY YUM IMO. As does hummus, but that’s a given…replenished my supply today and all is right in my world.

    Random, but does every building in NY have someone called George that works there? Is that part of the job criteria?

  2. Abby

    I was looking forward to the weekend/trip recap, and have to say you did not disappoint. (Technically, your body IS a wonderland, in that you wonder how the hell you managed to land in one piece.)

    Hopefully Kyle took some notes (do not leave bride in the aisle) and you recover soon. You’ll be back beating the hummus and elliptical track in no time (even if your sweat will smell faintly of beer…)

  3. elise

    yes, that is in fact a criteria. and if not george, jorge will do…

  4. lowandbhold

    Oh Pita Pit, I only get it like twice a year but I lurve it so!!

    Dancing in 4 inch heels is totally a workout! Get it girl!

  5. Erica

    hahahah- sounds like a jammin weekend 😉 I heart the pita pit…we had one near my college and Josh and I just discovered the one in downtown Charleston. Great looking trail mix too. Hope you are recovering quickly

  6. ksgoodeats

    I would have shit myself had I been on that plane – no joke. I’m not good at flying so a nice drug cocktail and many mini bottles of liquor would have had to been consumed.

    I need to get my booty to the pit one of these days! I always pass it and go, “hmm…I should stop there” but never do! I’m missing out!!

    Mmmmm drunkface is the best! At least you weren’t pukeface (as far as I know)!

  7. elise

    haha, fortunately, no pukeface! but the flights nearly did send me down that path…

  8. Sarah (LovIN My Tummy)

    I think everything from Oregon is ridiculously amazing. 😉

  9. Hangry Pants

    Looking good Kyle.

    I am so excited to meet you next week. 😀

  10. blueeyedheart

    While I can understand why that plane would freak people out, I would LOVE it. I would also love to get a pilots’ license… ;p

    <3 <3

  11. Andrea

    When is one of your west coast trips going to involve partying with me in P-town? We don’t wear stilettos here, so your feet will be spared.

  12. julie

    hahaha I LOVE how you stashed the Cliff bar in your purse for emergency purposes and consumed it along with massive amounts of blights. well played my friend

    the wedding sounded AWESOME. whyyy in the world did the best man pass out! best friend fail…

    glad you’re back and ready to re-wonderfy yourself!

  13. homegirlcaneat

    Um, that weight distributing happened on my plane coming back from Burlington, VT! I was like, what da @#$%^…is that one old guy on the left really gonna eff up this flight? NO BUENO!

    Clifs are ALWAYS in my purse on a night out. They usually emerge from the purse around 1-2am to stop me from stuffing my face with pizza.

    GLAD the wedding was full of dancing and fun and booze and PITA PIT! Chico is good for one thing..


  14. Courtney

    OMG–I have totally been on one of those planes where they had to “distribute the weight” before! I think I nearly threw up all over the poor woman sitting next to me and I was near tears…NEVER again! Never!

    Sounds like you had a pretty good trip! And your first visit to a co-op?! What kind of a hippie are you?! My *favorite* natural grocery store is my local co-op! I spend waaaay too much money there….so many yummy treats! And look at you–eating nuts and liking them! You NEED a co-op!


  15. Maggie

    That plane looks terrifying. I used to take one like that going from NYC or Philly to Ithaca. Scary!

  16. Quinn

    I tried Kombucha today. Holy God is that stuff amazing.

    I bet I can beat your plane. Try one in Belize that seats 8. Friggin’ frightening.

    Sooo you indulged this weekend! You’re only young once.

    Tell the best man he’s got nothing to worry about – tell them you know a bride who had to have the church evacuated because she passed out. Who, you ask? Yours truly.

  17. elise

    i know right? white trash aside, chico came through with pita pit! at the reception the dj played PYT and obvs i thought of you…and then proceeded to shake my a$$ off on the dance floor 🙂

  18. elise

    holy crap, i dont think i could have done it…seriously, this was really a struggle. anxiety much!

  19. elise

    courtney, you are the ONLY reason i even knew what a co-op WAS!! i shop at our local health foods store…i dont think the co-op thing exists in nyc with whole foods dominating the market. im lucky enough to have the local place around the corner as a cheaper option 🙂

  20. elise

    haha, i know right? the church was well over 90 degrees and we were all struggling with hangovers, so it wasnt too unexpected…i almost had to jump into nurse-y mode!

  21. jenngirl

    I feel the SAME way after my weekend, but ya know, I wouldn’t change minute of it for the world…well maybe one less tequila shot, but I digress…glad you had fun, and part of the fun of going crazy is jumping back on the health bandwagon Monday morning! for me, anyways 😉

    haha HILARIOUS pic of Kyle, love me some late-nighting.

  22. Graze With Me

    Hi, I just discovered your blog and I think it’s great. Love the Bud Light and Clif bar combo haha, better than greasy nachos or pizza right??

  23. elise

    thanks for reading! even though im really quite the wino, my drink of choice (for late nights and mass consumption) is def B- its nice to be back home with yummy health foods 🙂

  24. Lesi

    Those Clif Bars are so great. In the morning when I am hungover I gobble one of those, chug and ton of water, and go back to sleep for several more hours. Works like a charm!

  25. MarathonVal

    Oh man, those small planes are freaky deaky. I had to take a tiny plane from San Louis Obispo to LA – AFTER our original, normal-sized plane was delayed 8 hours for being broken lol – it was frightening!!

  26. MarathonVal

    PS, I forgot to tell you that I am having a Holey Donuts giveaway on my blog until Wednesday if you are interesed! 🙂

  27. Jessica (jesslikesithot)

    Yum! I NEED that oregon trail mix Elise!! It looks amazingggg…ginorm peanut butter chips are totally my style, haha!

    I’m glad you got your drank on girl, everyone’s gotta have a little crazy fun every now and then…and a hummus-filled pita must have been the perfect hangover cure!! There’s a pita pit right next to my campus, open ALL NIGHT AND DAY….you know that means the place is always hoppin’!

    And glad the wedding was entertaining, have fun gettin’ yo bod back into a wonderlanddd state! 😉

  28. Jessica (jesslikesithot)

    PS lots of hummus and dried fruit will surely get the job done!

  29. snackface

    OMG I SO do tha damn thang with the Clif bars. I just don’t post that because a) VegNews may fire me/ think it’s funny (not sure which way) and b) don’t want people to know about my drunchies. Guess it don’t matta. Oh, Popsicle reads and he’d so freak out.

    It’s 12:19 am and your post just made me very hungry. Not sure what to do about it. And yes I read green goop too, but I, naturally, was drawn to the booze+ Clif post. Love you, love your show.

  30. Lara (Thinspired)

    Haha…this post made me laugh. I’m sorry you’re not feeling WONDERful after your trip, but at least you had a blast! AND you have one of those awesome purse organizer things that I really want!! Where did you get it?!

  31. lilveggiepatch

    Oh Elise, I still think your body is a wonderland… everyone needs a little Bud light in their lives (and hey, at least it wasn’t Keystone!). You have my full sympathy for being at the airport hungover… that is no fun.

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