Calming carob

Wow, I’m behind in posting!  Sadly, I was busy with boring things, so my catch up posting isn’t going to be all that thrilling…or thorough. 

I worked…and you know what that means…eating out of tupperware! 


Unfortunately, the above eats were not representative of what I actually consumed because I was floated to the ICU (no time for snacking) and my tum was acting up (no desire for roughage). 


What I really ate was the salad, pretz with hummus, and the nutty/carob-y mix (basically I skipped the carrots and apples). 


There was also a fresh sourdough roll (sans photo representation) that was definitely not meant to be a single serving roll, but you know how I do.


For dinner, I was still struggling with similar issues…


So I had a bowl of oats topped with raw cashews and carob chips.  I am freakin’ obsessed with carob chips.  I know there are several peeps in the blog world that don’t adore ‘em and that’s cool with me.  I don’t understand it, but hey, more for me!  I also don’t understand the love that people have for dark chocolate…so for all the cacao lovers out there, you can have my share.  I know it’s one of those fine foods that distinguished taste buds prefer, but I guess my palate is just not fine enough. 

I also tried my (new) fave flavor of Mix1mix berry!  Really really really yum. 


But since my stomach was still well below par, I didn’t stray from the foods that it was tolerating…more cashews, carob chips, and raisins – plus milky tea. 

Evidently, carob is the key to soothing my stomach…at least for now (my GI system is a moody beast, so there’s often no real rhyme or reason to it’s madness).

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Comments (32)

  1. zofasho

    people don’t love carob chips!?!? i thiiiink i might be in love with them. like…IN. LOVE. haha i can power through a bag like nobody’s business. they’re just so yummmmyyyy! just thought i’d share my love for them as well. love your blog too, first time commenter :)!

  2. cmb0096

    I am sorry to hear about your tummy–I hope you are feeling better?


  3. julie

    the way i see it is the less people that like carob the more there is around for you.

    i think you should tell your doctor that the solution for gi disorder is a bag of carob chips. or a tupperware container full…

  4. BroccoliHut

    Sorry to hear your tummy has been acting up. I’ll be sure to down the carob next time I have any tummy troubles:)

  5. MarathonVal

    Hmm, I’ve tried carob chips before and definitely didn’t like them as much as the Whole Foods brand vegan chocolate chips (the Sunspire brand is good too), but maybe I didn’t try the right brand. What brand do you use that you like so much? Perhaps I’ll give it another try…..

  6. Katy

    I am totally with you on the dark chocolate! I don’t understand the commotion with it really. It is waaaaay too bitter for me. Ick!

  7. runnerforever

    What are carob chips, similar to chocolate? That bowl of oatmeal looks great!

  8. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    I love dark choc and am very meh about carob. Hopefully we can still be BFFs in CA.
    Deal fell thru. Sigh. Starting over. Hope things are looking good on your end!

  9. Mandiee

    i haven’t tried carob but i really want to. personally, if i want chocolate, i want it in unsweetened cocoa powder form. eating a bar is like getting run over by a bus with all the sugar&fat highs and lows. not fun. maybe i’ll be luck enough to try carob soon. i’m happy it’s making your tum happy. feel better soon!

    have a lovely day!

  10. Sarah

    Gosh, poor you. Do you think it’s the stress with moving, working, and planning a wedding? Gosh, you’ve got a lot going on! 🙂 feel better soon x

  11. *Andrea*

    WHO DOESN’T LIKE CAROB?!?!?! it’s insanely delicious!!! hope you feel better 🙂

  12. Gabriela @ Fro-Yo Lover

    Hahahahaha – I bet those carob chips taste like HEAVEN 🙂
    Have a great Sunday, girl!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  13. Katie

    I just bought my first bag of carob chips last week, and I’ve been putting them on everything. Every time I eat them I think of you (…creepy?) I actually like dark chocolate better, but these carob chips are growing on my slowly. Now that I see they might be a GI magic cure, I will keep going. 🙂 Hope your tum is better soon!

  14. samantha

    save for a time when i was hiknig and needed the energy too quicky to taste anything, i’ve never had carob chips. they always remind me of the coffeeshop caribou coffee. i guess i’m weird.

    i wish dark chocolate/carob chips were my GI magic cure!

  15. Lara (Thinspired)

    I had a horrible time with my tummy last week. I should have tried carob!

    I’ve had to pack lunches for work lately and always think of when I start pulling out the tupperware! Hehe. Now if I can just make what I pack as healthy as yours, I’ll be in great shape 🙂

  16. Bekah

    Yes! I think I’ve said this before on your blog my dear Elise, but I looove carob too. Idk what it is about it!

    But also, I love raw veggies and fruit, but too much of it at once, or if I’m already feeling nauseous is just too much. I’m sure oats were the solution!

  17. elise

    yeah yeah yeahhhhhhhhhhh…carob is like my second lover (only bested by apples, oh yeah, and hummus…)

    thanks for commenting!!!

  18. elise

    yup. dont know what the deal was…sometimes work stress gets my GI system all jacked up even when i am eating the “perfect” diet…and my boss is putting on the full court press trying to get me to take on more shifts before i leave, so im thinking its all that anxiety manifesting itself in my poor tummy…all good for now (but i have work tomorrow, so we will seeeeeeeeeeee)

  19. elise

    right? you may be on to something…

  20. elise

    it definitely worked for me 🙂 if it works for you, we should start a clinical trial or something…

  21. elise

    I thought the WF brand vegan choc chips were pretty good, but i definitely like carob better…i always think people sound lame when they say they dont like chocolate, but maybe im just one of those people? although i do like non-vegan milk chocolate…its just the vegan and dark chocolate that i am not into…hmmm…i buy the sunspire brand of carob chips.

  22. elise

    YES! bitter indeed.

  23. elise

    they are sorta similar to chocolate (only vegan)…but its hard to describe how they differ in taste…i think they are sweeter…you should try them!

  24. elise

    haha, we can still be bffs…i just want you to get some good news already! sorry the last one fell through 🙁
    at our meet ups we can exchange carob goodies for dark chocolate ok? bc im not really into the vegan choc.

  25. elise

    haha…sometimes i feel like that when i eat carob chips with dates…i get a sugar HIGH through the freakin’ ROOF…and then i feel like crap. i actually think carob chips are sweeter than chocolate. i dont know, dont listen to me, apparently, im the random freak who doesnt like dark chocolate.

  26. elise

    it wasnt until you commented that i put two and two together…since i worked that day and my boss was pushing HARD core for me to increase my hours before leaving (tossing in extra shifts left and right) and i was doing my best to resist (without losing her as a reference for future jobs)…man, its rough still putting on a game face when mentally i just want to check out. anyways, thanks for the sweet comment 🙂

  27. elise

    well clearly we are on the same page!! haha – im with ya girly!!

  28. elise

    haha, not creepy at all! love it 🙂 watch out though, carob grew on me, and before i knew it i was having full on cravings…now it appears as though they are my medicine too…hmmm

  29. elise

    well, i think you need to try carob when you might actually remember the flavor…it’s SO amazing. what kind of hike were you on that had carob on the ready?!?! and next time, can i join you!!!
    im not sure that having a dessert as a GI cure is safe territory at all…this has disaster written all over it 😕

  30. elise

    poor lara – i saw your saltines/7-up post and knew exactly what you were dealing with…sorry! hope all is better now.

  31. elise

    yeah, i swear as much as i loooove fiberrific eats (and lord know i do), my stomach just cant deal with them when its in a state of distress…carob to the rescue!!

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