Wed(nesday) and Bed

For the freakin’ LIFE of me I couldn’t make it out of bed this morning.


By 10 am I just resigned to a morning in bed (why fight it).  I made coffee and snuggled back in my covers with a crossword, mug of frothy joe, and some trashy tv.  How’s that for a perfect morning?  Hump day much.


Around noon I dragged myself to the living room for some apples and computer time. 

Since it was gorgeous outside and I wasn’t hungry for lunch I made my way outside, for a walk around the neighb.  While I strolled, I was trying to think up what I wanted for lunch.  I was having the foodie version of a writers block…

I hate it when I can’t figure out what I’m in the mood for.  I managed to come up with a pretty good solution.


Pita stuffed with LightLife Honey BBQ Smart Wings, roasted red pepper hummus, and romaine lettuce


The humm-becue combo was fantastic, but it was the crispy romaine that added the winning magical crunch.  Definitely put this simple stuffed pita sando over the edge. 

I had a Passionberry Kombucha for dessert.  Why must these cost $4?

I was so full of energy after lunch that I ended up powering through a 6 mile run through Central Park.  I managed to finish the entire loop without walking once, but my time was significantly slower than previous ones.  Last year, I was dominating this loop in under 45 minutes, and I’m not quite there yet this year.  That said, at least I got through a 6 miler…prior to this run, I had yet to get through that much mileage this running season and it’s been a bit frustrating.  In short, I am still going to consider this (slower) run a success. 


After showering up, I made a snack plate with crackers and hummus.  It’s a good thing this hummus was nearly gone because I could have demolished 35 of these addictive (Whole Foods brand) crackers. 

Speaking of Whole Foods…


Hot bar action!  I swear, once I pick up those friggin’ brown boxes, I can’t seem to spend a normal amount of money…it’s like I’m overcome by some crazy desire to fit every single vegan dish in a 4×6 inch space.


This vegan chik’n salad is my all time fave.  I don’t even remember what else was in there.


Whole Foods’ whole wheat naan is another one of my biggest weaknesses.  There were about 7 pieces smashed in there, and although my intent was to save half for the next day’s work eats, (not surprisingly) I devoured them all in one sitting.


After a totally perfect (read milky) vat of tea, I packed my eats for tomorrow and hit the sack. 

Reflecting on the day, I think I was in bed more than I was out of bed.  Ha!

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Comments (28)

  1. Kate

    naan is the best thing. it is so ridiculously good. now i want it.

  2. Jamie

    I love snuggle-all-morning mornings. Nothing beats ’em.

    What do you consider “trashy” tv??

    I love your blog!!

  3. Lauren @ Eater not a runner

    Oh man I always go crazy with the brown box…..I can’t help it!

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    loved your little rant today on the email. trach patient.

    and yes So Cal Summer ’10. Indeed. Girl. YES!

  5. caronae

    Hey girl! I didn’t realized you lived in NY for some reason (I met up with Ada this weekend and she mentioned how awesome you are). Love meeting fellow Ny bloggers 🙂

    I have a whole foods hot bar problem too. I think the problem is that there are just too many options!

    Sometimes you just need days like that that are mostly spent in bed! I tend to feel guilty, but a nice, comfy day never killed anybody. And 45 minutes for the CP loop is killer fast; I’m sure you’ll get there again!

    Happy Friday!

  6. leangreendeane

    I am sure that is your body telling you that it needs some rest! You have probably been swamped lately and you deserve it… Plus, it isn’t like your the least bit lazy, with these crazy fast six-mile runs you push out… Geeze, i am impressed. A 10k in under 45? That rivals my friend Ashley’s time, who runs for our University! Quite the achievement, and i am sure you will be even more comfortable running in CA!! Lucky… By the way, how is strength training going? Did you ever get my email awhile back? Really hope you Enjoy the rest of your week!

  7. Diana

    That naan looks sooo delicious. Haven’t eaten naan since last year which is probably a good thing because I can’t resist it! 😛

  8. Courtney

    Sounds like an AWESOME day off if you ask me–sleep is so wonderful and it is hard to get out of bed sometimes 🙂 And heck, I would say a 6 mile run is a success no matter what the pace/speed–don’t be so hard on yourself, girly! Give credit where it is deserved, and it is MUCH deserved here. So there–I am giving you enough credit for the both of us 😉

    PS I love how you slice your apple, lol. Do you just go around the core and cut off the 4 sides or what?!?

  9. julie

    i think when you pick up a brown box at wf there is a secret message that says “rape my wallet” and you just can’t stop.

    it’s been so glorious outside! and now this weekend go figure the one damn weekend and saturday night that i neeeed it to stay nice well it’s gonna rain. fail fail and doubs fail.

    anyways i need to get my hands on that pberry synergos and i’m having a mayj case of foodie writers block!

  10. Katie

    I dream of days like that!

    I do the same thing at Whole Foods and stuff as much as possible into the largest container they have.

  11. Angharad

    Sounds like a pretty incredible day to me! Crossword and coffee in bed, lovely run, wholefoods salad bar…yeah those are a lot of my favourite things! ha. Wholefoods salad bar happens about once a year for me though since I too am incapable of not spending a fortune due to over excitement!

  12. samantha

    i love will shortz, like want to marry him, and i’ve never even met him. he’s gotten me through many a class/boring work days.

    i have to work on cutting out whole foods hot bar, my budget does NOT like it. but i’m so obsessed with the vegan general tsos chicken that i just.cant.stop.

  13. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA

    TOTALLY agree!!! Why does Kombucha need to cost more than a Starbucks latte is beyond me! And if only Whole Foods wasn’t a whole paycheck for me I’d shop there every day! haha

  14. ksgoodeats

    That vegan chik’n salad might make me put on real clothes and venture out of the house today. I was having a bed morning but that might trump the bed morning! My wallet might be pissed but my stomach would be happy 🙂

  15. Graze With Me

    Gahh, that naan looks so amazing. Good for you for just going for it. I would have done the same.

    I might just have to try some of those honey BBQ smart wings – I used to be a chicken wing fiend in college back when I didn’t know how they were prepared. FRIED!! ACK! But I’m all for trying new foods.

  16. runnerforever

    I had to drag myself out of bed today too.
    I love the idea of whole wheat naan and have never seen it, going to have to give it a try!

  17. BroccoliHut

    Ah man, I hate it when I can’t decide what eat too. I’ve wasted far too much time in front of the fridge that way.

  18. Holly

    give me naan and game over. it is so good. and you would be so proud – i tried the gingerberry kombucha! it was a bit vinegar-y, but did get better with every sip. any other flavors you would recommend?

    happy weekend dear 🙂

  19. elise

    some of my faves are trilogy, passionberry, multi green, (gingerberry) and cran…yummmmm

  20. elise

    gah! i know! i am so tempted to start my own cultures…i think that just may be the final straw that breaks my engagement off though…hahaha. can you even imagine the smell that that nasty brew would produce in the tiny apartment i live in??

  21. elise

    hahaha…YES! i have been doing the lazy apple slicing. after the four chunks are cut off i just nibble the core until its all gone and then eat the slices.

  22. elise

    oh my gosh, your routine is crazy amazing. although it did kick my ass so hard the first time i did it, i subsequently needed a week off after. haha. but im getting back into it now.
    i think my best 10K time was 44 minutes, which i placed 11th for all females. still havent cracked the top ten, but cest la vie.

  23. elise

    why hello there my fellow NY bloggie 🙂 the WF hot bar is both an amazing and exhausting place to dine….sometimes i just get so overwhelmed i end up with bizarre items that shouldnt be eaten together. ah well.

  24. elise

    haha, ummm, trashy = the view and all things bravo, plus CW stuff like top model, gossip girl, etc. basically if theres a marathon of anything, i find myself sucked in for hours and hours…

    thanks for the comment!!

  25. elise

    its miraculous how it can take over…i swear i black out while im at the hot bar!!

  26. elise

    yeah…thats what happens when i dont get a proper lunch break…i wind up venting to random people on an email chain. haha, oops 🙁

  27. jqlee

    I agree with the WF bar. I have a problem too. I just want a little bit of EVERYTHING but then I don’t end up tasting anything particular cuz it all gets mixed up!

    Have you tried the Honest Tea brand for Kombucha? I tried it today because it’s on sale at WF this week. Only $1.70 each!!

  28. elise

    gah! your comment was such a tease – i literally got it ON MY WAY to WFs…and i sought out these “on sale” honest tea kombuchas that you speak of…alas, the NYC whole foods was not in such a charitable mood 🙁 ours were the same price as the synergy ones…

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