
That’s how we roll…

Ethel is my food partner in crime (FPIC).  We could talk about food all day long.  We do talk about food all day long.  She, too, is lactose intolerant.  So we wallow in our dairy free lives celebrate Daiya together.  However, unlike me, she does enjoy her meat.  ;)  I get the feeling from her that vegetarianism is one step away from criminal in the Filipino culture.  Anyways, now that I’m back in So Cal, we are uniting our passion for food.  She is showing me the ins and outs of Filipino feasting, and I’m… Read more >

Weekend wining

My previous post left off on Saturday evening…so let me just pick right back up with dinner.  My goal is to eventually taste my way through every restaurant at Santa Monica Place, so we made a reservation at Sonoma wine garden to start our last night out in style.  My previous experience with Santa Monica Place’s dining deck was stellar, so I had high expectations for this meal.    We started with some rather pricey drinks.  They were good, but a bit steep given the sub-par size of the pour.  The amount of wine in our… Read more >

Krav Magic

I went to bed sooo late last night because I was waiting for Kyle to finish his homework (yes, he has homework).  Too bad for me that didn’t end up being until 1 am.  I wasn’t too concerned because, hey, it’s not like I have a job or anything.  But instead of sleeping in and regaining those lost hours, I was up and at ‘em at 7:30.  😡 6 hours of sleep?  Meh.  Not bad, but not a routine I want to roll with all the time.  The early rise and shine did give me… Read more >

Add first…

…subtract later never. That’s my version of the improve-your-diet rule, at least.  I like trying new things, but I also like keeping the old (can you tell I was a Girl Scout?).  New: Israeli couscous & French Whole Wheat couscous Old: Quinoa And so the three-grain pilaf was born… Into the pot went: 1/3 cup Israeli couscous 1/3 cup French WW couscous 1/3 cup quinoa 2 cups water I left it to soak in the pot while I went on a run, showered, and answered emails (~1.5 hours). When I returned to the stove, almost… Read more >

Getting back

Today was a full day.  A wedding prep extravaganza kind of a day.  Items now crossed off the to-do list: meeting with our pastor (for pre-marriage classes) invitation finalizing & printing (more) ring shopping (we finally got our wedding bands!) hair appointment-ing (no clue what I’m going to do with the mop I am rocking right now, but hopefully she’s got some ideas) closing my solo bank account (joint bank accounts, what, WHAT!) laundry gym time re-packing for yet another trip (back to New York this time!) That was thrilling for you to read about,… Read more >