clif bar

Tupperware tupperwhere?

I woke up this morning and found that Kyle had left me a note. Obviously these vegan, gluten free, agave sweetened brownies satisfied my boy’s taste buds! Poor guy was at the office until the wee hours of the night (long after I went to bed), so when he got home he went to town on the remaining baked goods. Thanks to his note, I got a good laugh in as I headed off to work. Packed lunchables.  Yes, TWO apples today.  Honestly, I feel like I should bring in more, but my reputation on… Read more >

D.C. (part 2)

Despite our late night out on the town, we still met at 7 am for breakfast on Saturday.  Craziness, right?  I don’t have any food pics from Saturday until dinner.  If you knew everything we did and saw, you’d understand why. Washington monument WWII memorial Reflecting pool Lincoln memorial Vietnam Veterans memorial Natural History museum American History museum Stars and Stripes Cafeteria lunch (veggie burger) National Air and Space museum White House Starbucks (yes, it gets it’s own bullet point) After what felt like miles and miles of walking, we finally made it back to… Read more >


Here are just a few lessons I learned that were reinforced today. 1.  I crash and burn without my “me time” (aka days off).  Feel me K? I was in a beezy of a mood all day today (come to think of it, I’d say I’m going on day 3 now).  Even one of the male (read: unobservant) NPs on the floor noticed and asked me point blank what was wrong, and told me I seemed down.  Shoot.  So much for my poker face.  He then asked me if I was “chemical” which was so… Read more >

Candle has nothing on my black bean pumpkin burgers

I had quite extensive pre-packed work eats.  Check out the holiday flavored bars I FINALLY tracked down.  I was soooo excited to try the Iced Gingerbread Clif bar AND the Spooky S’mores Z bar.  They were both excellent.  Sugary, but amazing.  Seasonal bars still don’t make up for the nast weather though.  For dinner, I decided to finally tackle a dish I’ve been wanting to make for a while now.  After seeing that Whole Foods started to carry Candle 79’s black bean pumpkin burger, I knew I wanted to make my own version.  Similar to… Read more >

Zucchini pasta weekend

If I had to design a perfect birthday weekend, I definitely wouldn’t include two days of work.  Unfortunately, my boss didn’t agree.  I guess I can’t really complain about it though, since I just got back from a week vacay in CA.  I was totally prepared with a buncha pre-packed food. Fruit, of the dried persuasion, included mango and pear slices, as well as a strawberry chewy-thingy (Nike race freebie), while fresh fruit was limited to a smallish apple.  I also bar-ed it up with the Blueberry Crisp flavored Clif, and a Cashew Cookie Larabar. … Read more >