
Adios NYSC, Hola DVDs

Today was a good day for your truly.  And it will be for you too, since there’s a giveaway involved (read on).  I have nothing very interesting to report.  I started a new book, watched mindless t.v. shows, did Jillian’s shred (level 1), and then made it to the gym for my last workout at NYSC.  I also did some eating. The single serving Silk vanilla soymilk was a freebie from the 1/2 marathon.  Honestly, the goody-bags you get at races is such a fun perk. I also made pumpkin/carob chip toast (and only took… Read more >


Today sucked.  Mondays suck.  I was thisclose to not ranting on the blog, but I just decided to let it all out (it’s pretty therapeutic).  So here it goes… Approximately one second after stepping foot outside the hospital today I burst into tears.  I knew it was going to happen.  I’d been holding it in all day.  Naturally I called Kyle and he made things better-ish (or at least as better as they could be in the moment), but I couldn’t help how I truly felt (which was a combination of sad/pissed/angry/frustrated). There were many… Read more >

Fair weather fan

Saturday started with the ordinary: coffee, blog, tv, yadda yadda. Eventually I made a brunch platter (of the not so ordinary nature). Maybe carrots and apples seem weird for breakfast the first meal of the day, but it’s what I was craving.  And if you think I had these without hummus, then you clearly don’t know me at all. I finished off the rest of the (just opened) tub with a 7 grain roll, followed by grapes.  Nothing like 8 servings of chickpea heaven to get the day started right. After a hearty mug of… Read more >

Sunday snacks and moving answers

A few people have been asking about my moving plans/details…or lack thereof… So here’s the deal:  Cross-country moving is not exactly a piece of cake. And yet, this fact (that would ordinarily stress the bejeezus out of me) doesn’t even phase me because of where I am moving to.  HOME!!  I feel so at peace now that I know we are definitely getting back to the West Coast. Our days in NYC are numbered, but at the same time, there is still some flexibility in regards to how and when everything goes down (especially at… Read more >

Blue Hill Farms

As promised, I am back with an epic restaurant review.  Since Kyle and I have a shot-gun countdown until we leave the NYCizzle, we decided it was muy imperativo that we start hitting up all the great dining spots that are on our to-taste list.  (For the record, that list is about 5 years worth of meals long, so I will be pleased if we can even make a small dent in it…) Anyways.  Up first on the list was Blue Hill.  I first heard of Blue Hill Farms back on the 5th season of… Read more >