
Hello again old friend

After night shift, I biked home Thursday morning and passed the [bleep] out. When I woke up I semi-freaked out because I realized my packing time (before leaving for New York) was minimal.  And still, my priority was food. I had quinoa with vanilla soy yogurt, cinnamon and bananas. Then I showered, threw clothes in a suitcase, and we were off to the bus stop.  I am slightly nervous about how haphazardly I packed…but we’re staying at Jess’ apartment (she’s out of town) so having her closet at my disposal is my backup.  And by… Read more >

In & out of labor

I worked Saturday, but had Sunday and Monday off.  Wee! Let’s fly through Saturday so I can show the fun stuff.  I got up at 4:30 am to work out.  It was mediocre since I had a headache.  I don’t know that my heart rate got up since there wasn’t any cardio going on, but I did some weight stuff, resistance bands, and yoga/stretching for 30 minutes.  My headache disappeared once I drank a few glasses of water (and a mug of almond milk/coffee).  My half-caf-java was followed by the above breakfast of vanilla soy… Read more >

Puffed crispy treats

I associate rice crispy treats with swim meets.  I remember the desserts at the snack bar were mostly home-made and the rice crispy squares were always the most appealing to me.  They were gigantic (as compared to the cookies or brownies) and still only cost 50 cents.  Such a deal! After we were done with all our events we were allowed a treat and (provided there wasn’t a snow cone machine at the meet), I usually chose a rice krispy bar.  Donuts made me feel like crap (ah, the early signs of IBS), but rice… Read more >

Fermented food

This post started innocently enough, with the tempeh recipe I promised from yesterday’s dinner.  But then I got emails asking about tempeh and figured if a few people were wondering it, maybe there were more…so admittedly, this post gets a little educational.  But who doesn’t want to learn about soy, right?  😉 I’ve tried a few brands of tempeh before, and aside from the fakin’ bacon (which is LightLife’s tempeh version of faux bacon), none have been too pleasing for my palate.  This organic garden veggie tempeh (also by LightLife) is the closest I’ve come… Read more >

Wonder of wonders

Miracle of miracles, my breakfast held me over until my lunch break at 1 pm.  That NEVER happens!  I have this cute bowl to thank.  :)  Attune foods hooked it up at Expo West – not only did I get this on-the-go bowl (like a sippy cup for adults), but I also got to fill it with whatever cereals I wanted.  As a huge cereal addict, this was one of the highlights of the Natural Foods show.  I could hardly contain my excitement combining all the cereals to make one mega-master-mix.  Uncle Sam – check! … Read more >