odwalla bar

home for the holidays

Airport on my way home!! WTF were they thinking when they made the new terminal for JetBlue – no Starbucks?! I’m not a fan. They DO have all these new creative dining places though, with lots of potential options beyond fast food (which is nice), including salad and hot food bars. But still, at 7 am that is little consolation for the lack of soy for my coffee.So I ended up going to Dunkin’ Donuts šŸ™ and ordering a small black coffee and a HUGE water. I’ve got a aisle seat, kids, no worries!Here’s my… Read more >

elise navidad

First off – Merry Christmas!! HO HO HO…I reeeeally heart the holidays. Last night after I finished the blog, I totes finished off the dried edamame. Then Kyle called me and told me Santa had come to the apartment!!! SANTA!! I was confused, but then he told me to go look behind his laptop and whoa! Santa HAD come šŸ™‚ Check out the stocking that Kyle (er, Santa) left for me…so sweet. I’m a pretty simple girl – crosswords, fitness mag, starbucks card, and gum…yep, that’s me!! I also got a package from K’s parents… Read more >

verdadamente verde

MERRY X-MAS EVE!!!!!!!!! As of this morning, today was looking like a near disaster…but wouldn’t you know it, the day quickly turned absolutely AMAZING! Somehow I managed to hit snooze without realizing it, so when I looked at the clock and it said 6:33 am, I FREAKED out! My shift starts at 7. That’s kinda a problem. I called the unit to give them a heads up that I was running a bit late (understatement much?) and then hauled ass to get my butt on the subway. I was trying not to stress, since there… Read more >

candle day #1

AKA the 1st day of Hanukkah. Why are there 4 different ways to spell that? Well, since I work at a (technically) Jewish hospital, I know more than I ever thought I would about the kosher ways of the world. So, my blog title is in celebration of the festival of lights! Good thing my lunch didn’t have meat and dairy on the same plate…oh wait, I don’t eat meat OR dairy, so looks like I’m perma-kosher by default. I had to DRAG myself out of bed this morning. My alarm went off at 5… Read more >

like a black hole

I swear, I have been trying to get out of the C pod for a solid month! It’s loaded with chronic patients and I am slowly dying a bit more each day just being over there…so today I successfully made the transition. Here’s how it works. Both pods (B and C) are part of the cardiac critical care unit, but pod C has 9 rooms and B only has 8. So, since there are 2 nurses per side splitting the patient load, if you are stuck in hell (aka pod C) you may have 5… Read more >