odwalla bar

what the buck?

I can’t even believe how late I slept in today! It’s so embarassing, I don’t even want to write it. Let’s just say, I think I got all caught up for the week. Since it was snowing BIG TIME outside, I decided to stay in bed (hehe). So, I made some coffee, frothed some milk, and viola(!) the best morning ever – warm and toasty, bundled up in my comforter šŸ™‚ SNOW!! falling…and falling… Eventually, I had to venture out of the bedroom, so (reluctantly) I grabbed some raspberry soy yogurt before getting ready for… Read more >

beep beep

I felt like the f-ing road runner today. Actually, I felt more like the coyote, getting anvils dumped on me throughout the day šŸ™ So today was a completely miserable day. Fortunately, writing this blog in hindsight helps me not vent to the extreme that I would have if I were writing it in the moment. Grrr… Anyways, I packed this lunch the day before. I had a Bruno’s coffee first thing in the morning, as well as a huge bottle of water, then the odwalla Berries GoMega bar for my AM snack. For lunch… Read more >

re-defining the big salad

Woke up at 5 am to a tummy ache šŸ™ Not an ideal start to the day, but off to work I went…I didn’t really want coffee (that’s never a good sign). I got a big smartwater on my subway commute and felt a bit better after I pounded that. It was quite a back and forth work day, but it ultimately ended well. The meals started in a similar pattern, but then took a turn for the worse. For some unknown reason, whenever I work on Fridays, I seem to think I deserve to… Read more >

(don’t) stand under my umbrella, ella, ella

I HATE rain!!! Ugh. Today’s weather makes me want to curl up in a ball under a blanket and never come out again until April/May. This is why I am not meant to be a East Coast-er/New Yorker. My umbrella was inside out 90% of the time, so I arrived to work with scrubs that weighed an extra 5 lbs and an afro (fabulous). There is very little else in the world that is more frustrating than dealing with a non-functional umbrella in a torrential downpour. Okay, enough complaining…on to the food. I was super… Read more >

yesterday repeat

So basically today was the same as yesterday. Same mixed feelings regarding working on the weekend. Same Bruno’s coffee to get me moving at the crack of dawn. Same-ish sandwich at lunch (since the A street bread was finished I used some of K’s regular whole wheat). I had the Berries GoMega odwalla bar around 11, along with several glasses of apple juice…and got around to my lunch break a few hours later. Since it was snowing outside, I wrapped myself from head to toe with layer upon layer and sprinted to Bruno’s. Of course… Read more >