
An anti-atrophy agenda (part 1)

After I started writing, I realized I had more to say than I thought, so it’s gonna be a three part plan (stay tuned).  For now, let’s talk about my tapeworm insatiable appetite.  For the life of me, I couldn’t get my hunger in check the other morning. “Nature is a giver, a true friend and a sustainer.”  The same can be said about Justin’s nutbutter.  On the english muffin was the “classic” almond butter, and DANG, was it tasty.  This is by far my favorite kind of nut butter.  I never thought the day… Read more >

On my laurels

This weekend I relaxed more than I have in a loooooong time.  I didn’t exercise.  I hardly cooked.  To be honest, I pretty much spent the weekend watching the Australian Open, football, and hanging out with Kyle (I did a fair amount of eating as well).  If that’s not the picturesque weekend, well, shoot me.  I have a TON of photos, but they aren’t very glamorous and don’t require much in the way of explanations…so…without further ado… JAVA the hut Bluffin’ with my muffin   How to make quinoa ghetto Afternoon delight(s) YouShake customized “Blended… Read more >

Freak’n week’nd

As far as work weekends go, this one was pretty sweet.  For some reason I was only scheduled to work Saturday (weird)…so having both Sunday AND Monday off basically felt like a full weekend.  I’ll take it! As a result, I had some QT with my beau PLUS I got in some decent exercise.  Being January and all, my typical intensity of exercise has been scrapped and I have very minimal goals: get sweaty on my days off of work.  Granted, I don’t have any actual goals or anything for the non-winter seasons, but in… Read more >

V card

You may or may not remember this, but I have monthly dinner dates with my oldest girlfriends.  We all live in different areas in Manhattan, so in order to get to know each others’ hoods we alternate who chooses the place (forcing me to leave my comfort zone of UWS dining).  This month was MY pick, which was a relief since the past two dinners have taken me an embarrassing amount of time to find (the village is RIDIC confusing and I’m lucky if I end up retracing my steps only 3 times).  Usually I… Read more >

I’m back (and it’s cold)

After a fairly miserable red-eye flight, Kyle and I returned to our 10 degree apartment Monday morning.  🙁 With a list of errands longer than the Gettysburg address and a brain still on a mental vacay, it goes without saying…I felt a bit overwhelmed.  It didn’t help that I couldn’t stop shivering for the first 2 hours.  I finally had to take a shower to get my body temp back to a normal range.  After a piping hot cup of cocoa (the apartment is coffee-less!!) I unpacked, laundered, made a grocery list…and STILL felt like… Read more >