
Day 5: things are happening

I started the day with a run and decaf, but it took me a while to get hungry. I had banola and 1/2 this cashew milk from urban remedy for breakfast.  The mylk wasn’t sweet at all, so that was a bittersweet surprise.  I was hoping the lucuma would make it a little more special than just straight up nut milk, but I don’t know that I’d buy it again for the $$$$. I was much better about taking my pills on an empty stomach today and waited over two hours before taking them.  And… Read more >

Day 4: pills pills pills

Well, I took my pills before bed last night and that turned out to be a bad call because they felt all lodged in my esophagus and I couldn’t lie down for a while, so I just sat in bed playing on my phone hoping the feeling would go away.  It never really did before I went to bed, and I woke up a few times throughout the night (which I never do) so who knows what that was about, but it wasn’t a restful sleep, for sure.  Note to self: remember pills today. Look… Read more >

Day 3: zucchini love and a new mayo

I made this coconut flour zucchini bread last week but used liquid stevia with coconut milk instead of maple syrup. 1/2 cup maple syrup is a lot of liquid which 1 tsp or so of stevia doesn’t come close to, so I just added plain unsweetened coconut milk until I reached the right volume.  I was hesitant to make too many changes with the recipe but I am curious about decreasing the eggs in some of these paleo-esque recipes and using chia or flax seeds for at least some portion of the eggs.  I’ll let you… Read more >

Milk OIT graduation

I AM SUCH A PROUD MAMA! After several months of weekly visits to the Columbia Asthma and Allergy Clinic in Fremont, my son is a graduate of the milk OIT protocol!  He will now drink 1/2 cup (120 ml – equivalent to 4 g of protein) of whole milk twice a day for the rest of his life as a part of maintenance. After a month, we are allowed to experiment with different kinds and amounts of dairy, with the thinking being that in another few months he will achieve “free eating”, thereby tolerating any… Read more >

Day 2: a lot of salmon

I used to limit my kombucha consumption because the price of it can easily get out of hand, but since I’m forgoing most other sweet treats for the next 30 days, I think I can allow myself the splurge.  At least that’s what I’m telling myself after spending $$$ on a bunch yesterday.  I bought a few other things too, which I’ll share when I try them. Since we were out for most of the day, I was a little bit limited in my meal options.  I had planned ahead for breakfast and packed a… Read more >