Day 4: SD strides

Guess what I did!

Stroller Strides in SD!  The idea occurred to me before we left so I emailed the Carlsbad fit4mom team and asked how it might work if I wanted to do some classes while on vacay.  They were SO awesome and emailed back saying I got two free classes at a visiting location and after that it would be $10 per class.  SWEET!  The first class offered was on the 26th and I was super excited.

Even though it meant waiting forever to eat breakfast (I can’t eat before working out).  I fed the kids in the room with odds and ends and Kyle got a smoothie after his gym sesh.  And since I was taking BOTH kids with me, Kyle took the alone time to go hit some balls at our hotel’s insanely gorgeous golf course.

I met a bunch of nice mamas, talked about everything moms do, and got in a super fun and hard workout.  It was heavenly.  The kids were so well behaved in the double chariot and read books the entire time.  I’m really glad I did it, even though it was slightly outside of my comfort zone.

After letting the kids play around a bit I dragged them away from the park and went to get myself food.

I hit up Choice Juicery, which offers all kinds of yummy drinks and a bit of food.

I was feeling like a smoothie so I went with the strawberry zen with added coconut butter.  It has sprouted vanilla almond milk, dates, choice protein (vegan), strawberries, and bananas.

I got a protein brownie too, but I’m not sure if the size was worth the cost (3.50).  Oh well.

The kids played in the enclosed grass area while I waited for my smoothie.

It was nice to be able to go up and order and wait without worrying about them at all – as they rock climbed and ran around and whatnot.

Chalkboard artist 🙂

Check her out, eyeing my smoothie, knowing if she’s a sweetie pie I can’t resist her requests for sips…

This was suuuuper thick and creamy – the best consistency for a smoothie in my opinion – and not too sweet.  I loved getting the little date chunks every once in a while.  Two thumbs up from me!

I met back up with Kyle and he took the kiddos to the pool for a bit while I showered and vegged out solo…and then eventually they came home for lunch and naps.

I kept things simple and got a tuna salad from the hotel’s marketplace.  I added more avo and may to it because it was a little dry and I like mega creamy tuna salads.

We finally left the hotel that afternoon to meet up with friends at the beach!

It was cold though, so we didn’t stay too long.

For dinner we got take out from Crack Shack, one of Richard Blais’ restaurants.

You guys know Kyle and I are Top Chef fans, and Blais is both of our absolute number one favorite, so we were thrilled to find out he had a casual spot to eat in Encinitas.

You can watch the kitchen while you wait to order.  We didn’t have to wait long though (because we eat at 6 pm).

They have the system DOWN, that’s for sure.  Because there’s a whole separate window for take away/uber eats/pickups/etc.  I got sauces while waiting.

The inside looks fun, but the kids were exhausted from the beach time, so we just decided it would be easier to eat back at the hotel.

Kyle and I ordered the 10 piece fried chicken to share, along with mini biscuits (and maple miso butter), classic coleslaw, and one kids meal (fried nuggets, fries, and a cookie which they forgot to give us).

The smell was cuh-rayyyyy-zee and we were all drooling by the time we got home.

Obviously our stomach’s did the ordering because we definitely got too much food.

The chicken was SOOOO good, but crazy rich.  I was full after two pieces, but ignored my body and went for a third piece because I couldn’t stop and then felt ridiculously stuffed after that.

The coleslaw was VERY spicy, but as long as I picked around the red chilies my taste buds didn’t get annihilated. It had pickled cucumbers in it, though, so Kyle didn’t touch any of it.

In the end, we had so much left over that we just decided to make it another meal later in the week.  The kids finished all of theirs though, of course.  They are getting way too spoiled with all the fries and “kids meals” but this is a special vacation for them too.  Plus, I have to keep reminding myself that a year ago I would have killed to be able to go to a restaurant and order off the menu for P.  At least the kids meals are cheaper…

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Comments (4)

  1. Ttrockwood

    The entire menu at choice juicery looks SO good!! I would have seriously stood there dumbfounded and unable to make a decision between those great almond milks and smoothies and bowls..!
    That’s great you went to a new class there, i totally understand how it’s beyond the comfort zone. I actually pushed myself to go to a few vegan meet up dinners by myself where i knew exactly no one last year and ended up having a great time and fabulous meal- but also came close to backing out.
    Dinner looks like a great find too! And obviously as kids meals go that is still Real Food, not like they’re having processed drive through crapola so it’s just what people do on vacation :))

  2. Paige

    Crack Shack is unreaaaal! So glad you got to go there!

  3. Elise (Post author)

    It may have ben the best meal we had. For sure, top 3.

  4. Elise (Post author)

    It may have been the best meal we had! Top 3, for sure.

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