Fireworks and tummy aches


The 4th of July is one of the best days to live in Davis.  This year, once again, did not disappoint.

We rode our bikes downtown first thing in the morning, grabbed coffees at Starbucks and went to the see/walk in the parade.

Family pic!

After which, we headed to Cafe Bernardo for brunch.

Usually we go to Crepeville, but the bike course didn’t go past it this year, so we decided to change it up so that we could watch the races.  But then everyone else had the same idea, so it was packed and we ended up eating inside with our backs to the route.  Oh well.

P and V split the two egg breakfast, which could not arrive soon enough.  Starving kids!

I invented a new dish…which was amazing!  I think they should add it to their menu!  It’s basically a GF / DF version of the salmon benedict, swapping in corn tortillas and avocado for the english muffin and cream cheese.  [They make their hollandaise with margarine]

We watched as many races as we could before going home to take (super late) naps.  I told both kids if they napped we could stay up for fireworks, and they were very excited for that.  We have never done fireworks with them before, but I figured why not?  I really regret it when we were driving home at 1030 that night but in the moment it was magical.

Anyway, we went to a friend’s house for swimming and BBQ once the kids woke up.

How do you think my kids felt about a menu with ribs on it??

Answer: very good.

After Korean BBQ the night before I really should have taken a break from the meat, but instead I dove head first into all three spice rubs and then some.  Detox coming soon???  Hmmm…

Kids tables!

Get it girl.

Sugar alert.

I really try to find a balance in parenting my kids with regard to “treat” foods.  I don’t want them to ever feel like certain foods are off limits per se (aside from peanuts, obviously), but I do want them to learn about how certain foods help our bodies grow strong, and other foods are just “sometimes” foods that we eat for fun because they taste good.

Turns out, they learned a valuable lesson all on their own this 4th of July…too many chips and popsicles and ribs and cookies will make you sick.  Yes, BOTH kids felt ill after such an indulgent day and they both 100% made the connection.  P was so ill he hardly enjoyed the fireworks, poor thing.  And V is still recovering 2 days later (she may have gotten some other GI thing, but she has made the association with popsicles being the final straw so I’m not arguing with that!).

Some how we were still eating at 8 pm but quickly realized if we wanted to make it to fireworks we better high tail it into gear.  At home, we bathed the kids and put them in PJs (so they’d be all ready for bed after we got home) and then went back to our friends house to walk to fireworks together.

They live close to community park, so that way we didn’t have to mess with parking.  P ended up needing to ride in the stroller because of his stomach ache, so we had to carry the smaller kids, but I was fine with that because I was very much in need of burning off the double chocolate chip cookies I had for dessert.

And now here we are at the real weekend…after a couple of bizarre in between days.  Thursday and Friday definitely felt confusing thanks to the mid week holiday. But I’m not complaining.  Extra family time is my favorite thing ever. 🙂

Maybe not so much at 6 am though.  Poor babes with their aching bellies.  🙁  And poor me with 6 hours of sleep.

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