Hummus and taxes

I’m pretty sure my version of the phrase is just as true (and not nearly as morbid).  I mean really, is there anything more certain in life than the fact that I’ll consume pounds and pounds of hummus?  No.  The burden of taxes, on the other hand, is a far less joyous inevitability.

Kyle and I have nearly finished ours, though, so at least that will be one big check off the to-do list.  I have to say, moving to a different state and starting new jobs certainly made things more difficult this year.  Good thing my dad has been making me do my own taxes for years.  [I can’t believe I’m admitting that this has been beneficial since I hate hate hate it]

But I digress.

Breakfast was my only meal on Saturday that didn’t contain hummus.


Banana + MaraNatha almond butter + pita pita

In case you have been on the lookout for the best whole wheat pita ever, do yourself a favor and find Turlock Pita Bread asap.  Mmmm.


Pac man the pita (see above), stuff in sliced up nanner, copious amounts of nutbutter, and enjoy.



Apple slices got their own almond butter a la mode.  There is no sharing when it comes to nutbutters.  Definitely a “go big or go home” sitch.

Lunch was wrap-tastic


Not too complicated – hummus, butternut squash, and bell peppers on an Alvarado Street sprouted wrap.




I attempted an afternoon jog, but found the wind to be quite distracting.  There were several points that I nearly wooshed off the street…hideous.  I cut it short and Netflix-ed the afternoon away instead.


Afternoon snackage.


The heel piece (best piece!) of my latest loaf of pumpkin banana bread topped with almond butter.  Decadent!

Dinner involved this bad boy.


With, what else, hummus.  🙂

Recipe to come.

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Comments (19)

  1. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    I kind of wish my dad had taught me anything about taxes, because I seriously would be lost if I ever had to do them myself. They’re scary, so serious snaps to you for doing them!!

    Oh, and I’m eating zucchini bread with sunbutter right now and it looks exactly like the pumpkin heel/AB 🙂

  2. julie

    i have a closed spag squash so i’m waiting with anticipation to see what you come up wiiiith

  3. oatsandspice

    UGH I have totally been putting off my taxes – probably because it is the first year I have to do them and I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing (or where to start for that matter) 🙂

  4. caitlinoco

    I have a new tub of hummus that I have to finish by Friday and ate first I thought how is that going to happen? And then I paused and said “the hungry hippie would be ashamed” LOL hope your weekend is great!

  5. lauren @ spiced plate

    I just made about 10 cups worth of garbanzo beans yesterday in our slow cooker. We made chana masala last night, and I know a couple batches of hummus are going to come out of it. I can’t get enough of it either! It’s too delightful.
    Taxes are so silly. We thought we were golden by doing them via turbotax, but then they said they couldn’t file them electronicly so we have to mail them in and keep our fingers crossed that everything works out. I want my refund!

  6. Kelsey @ Unmitigated Grub

    I hate taxes!! I owed money this year which made it even worse. 🙁

    That spaghetti squash dish looks sooo good. I’ve never worked with spaghetti squash before! I will have to try…

  7. Olivia

    I swear you have totally created a hummus addict out of me. I’ve always loved it, but it would take easilllly a week or two for me to go through a container…Now I’m eating a “Family Size” tub (alone!) in 3 days flat…SOOOOO SPANKIN’ GOOD!! I love you to the moon and back for having hummus on here so much-thus making me crave and eat it like a madman!

  8. movesnmunchies

    HUMMUS IS AMAZING- i would love to join your days eating here and eat hummus like you do.. SO FREAKIN YUM!

  9. actorsdiet

    congrats on being un-taxed! i – well, my accountant – still have to do them.

  10. Stacey

    You can never have too much hummus (or nut butter)!!

  11. megan @ the oatmeal diaries

    Hummus and taxes.. what a combo! Your afternoon snack looks amaazing 🙂

  12. elise

    happy to help feed the addiction 🙂

  13. elise

    blah. it sucks. i def recommend turbotax or one of the other assist programs

  14. elise

    10 cups! whoa!! can i come over?? how crappy that you had to mail them in!! that defeats the entire purpose of using turbotax!!

  15. elise

    haha. glad you came to your senses 🙂

  16. elise

    booo!!! owing is the worst!

  17. kissmybroccoli

    Hmm, howabout you do MY taxes and I’ll eat your spaghetti squash hummus dish? Wait, that’s just a win/win for me. Ok, I’ll buy the hummus…huge container…like the gallon buckets that ice cream comes in! Yeah, that’ll get us through the taxation process! 😉

  18. Cameo Morningstar

    I like the way you eat! YUM! I did my taxes Friday. Sadly, I had to go to an accountant this year to fix “the travesty” I made of my taxes last year…in the end, I landed on top, but still owed a ton to stupid NYC! Grrrr….

  19. janetha

    i just bought a massive spaghetti squash. i know what im using it for.

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