Search Results for: al fresco

Number of Results: 31

The weekly menu

We had some good ass eats this week, if I do say so myself! I made this sumac salmon dish for my family’s cookbook club (finally getting that back up in action after some time off – mostly due to my pregnancy and postpartum slacking). I assembled and marinated it all and Kyle grilled it.  The fish was from Costco and after dividing up the remaining 3/4 that we bought, I vacuum pack sealed it and froze it.  Such a good deal.  The sumac is from a fancy shmancy spice store in LA and was a… Read more >

The weekly menu

I actually have some recipes that I created in this post!  Imagine that!  But in truth, I did get most inspiration from books and blogs, as I tend to these days. I already shared our (meatless) Monday dinner here.  We only had a small serving of leftovers – not enough to make a full meal – so I had it as part of a lunch later that week, bulked up with hemp seeds, avocado, and more greens.  I think I eat 1-2 avocados a day.  And P is in a similar rut.  It’s pricey. So anyway,… Read more >

The weekly menu

Another gorgeoussssss weekend of sun and outside time as a fam bam.  Happy days for sure.  Spring in Davis has me all up in the best mood ever.  And guess what!?!  Farmer’s market returned on Wednesday nights this week!  It continues year round on Saturday mornings, but the Wednesday night sessions are the absolute best. Evening picnics with babies and food and music and fun makes me adore the town we live in more than any other place ever.  OK, ok, the dinner menu. Saturday night Kyle grilled chicken (again) and we all hung out outside (he… Read more >

The weekly menu

This post is laaaaaate…ok, so I’m just going to do both the past two weeks in one post because I am so behind.  I have good excuses – my little man was sick all last week and then he got better and then had an allergic reaction (during a dairy trial) and then all of a sudden it was his birthday!  So I now have a two year old.  Crazy stuff.  How about some food peppered with my random thoughts? Holy crap this was a long time ago.  We went to our friends’ house for a… Read more >

Warm and wet weekend

What a weird but awesome weekend we had.  Weird in that the weather was semi schizophrenic, Saturday was crazy warm and then Sunday was nothing but a torrential downpour. Fortunately I managed to give Kyle a hair cut on Saturday (we do them outside for easier cleanup) but his half marathon was on Sunday in the MOST miserable conditions ever.  P and I went to cheer him on and had a hard time tracking him because his waterlogged phone broke and he couldn’t communicate at all.  We saw him around mile 9 and then again at… Read more >