Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Yellow cupcakes

A long time ago I was contacted by Wholesome Chow, a company that sells vegan (and some gluten-free) baking mixes. They sent me a vanilla cake mix – vegan, organic, fair trade, casein, peanut, wheat & gluten free.  The ingredients are all recognizable (always a good thing) and the company has eco-friendly practices , plus they use locally sourced ingredients. Could the steps be any simpler?  [you have to say that with a Chandler accent] 1.  Add non-dairy milk and apple cider vinegar together and let them curdle. I used almond milk.  Once it got… Read more >

Breaking up is hard to do

I mentioned last month that I was trying to wean myself off stevia, and so many people had questions about why.  So I thought maybe I’d share in more detail.  **However, in the time it took me to actually write the post about this decision, so much has already changed and my choice to switch to agave is no longer applicable.  Rather than elaborate on what led to my initial decision, I will give you the full story, and where I am now.*** I have a sweet tooth.  A major sweet tooth.  Not that I’m… Read more >

17th St. Cafe & Bakery

(Based on the name of this post) you can probably guess where I went to dinner over the weekend… 17th Street Cafe & Bakery!  It’s on Montana Ave (and 17th Street – duh) and has been on my to-try list ever since we moved to Santa Monica.  I live a few blocks away, so there’s really no reason why I haven’t yet been. Last week Alene emailed saying she had a groupon for the restaurant that was about to expire.  There’s nothing like a coupon for food to get a group of friends together (add… Read more >

In & out of labor

I worked Saturday, but had Sunday and Monday off.  Wee! Let’s fly through Saturday so I can show the fun stuff.  I got up at 4:30 am to work out.  It was mediocre since I had a headache.  I don’t know that my heart rate got up since there wasn’t any cardio going on, but I did some weight stuff, resistance bands, and yoga/stretching for 30 minutes.  My headache disappeared once I drank a few glasses of water (and a mug of almond milk/coffee).  My half-caf-java was followed by the above breakfast of vanilla soy… Read more >