Pizza and burgers

This girl!! Do you see how she eats mini bell peppers?

Leaving nary a scrap behind. It’s like a science. It reminds me of how my sister eats corn on the cob. She is equally surgical with kernel removal.

I realized I forgot to show Valley girl’s food choices for our special weekend with her.

Pizza is definitely her favorite so we had that the first night.

I made the dough the day before and then let it hang out in the fridge overnight so it was ready to go the next day.

Her fave toppings are mushrooms and olives, but I didn’t want to go to the store so we had plain cheese. She didn’t even care because she likes whatever pizza, but then I found a can of whole black olives right before dinner, so she had some on the side.

We also had sautéed broccoli (her pick for a side dish) with the pizza.

The next night she wanted burgers, which was a surprise because she doesn’t seem to like meat very much lately. Sure enough, right as I served her she asked if maybe she could just have the bun. 😛 I asked if she was sure and she said she didn’t want to run out of room for the cake, which seemed a very valid reason to me. So we decided maybe she would just have half the burger and see how she felt. She ended up having not too much of the burger, most of the bun, and then not much of the cake. But after our first convo, I just let her decide it all for herself on her own and I’m so proud that she knows to listen to her body and cravings.

Oh and she also wanted slaw. I find it amusing that both kids requested slaw on their weekends. It must have been from all the cabbage our CSA kept giving us months and months on end.

My breakfasts were the same as usual – Miyoko’s butter on carbs. In this instance it was english muffins and Nourish bread.

I’d been missing this dense and delicious bread and was happy to find a few slices in the freezer. Now that I’ve re-discovered it, it will probably be like the english muffins or waffles and be my next breakfast phase. If I can ever make it to Nugget market again to find it. [Thanks to this most recent lockdown, the grocery stores have had long lines outside just to get in, so I’ve gone back to online deliveries and CSAs]

I may try to squeeze in one last TJs trip if I can get Kyle to cover me and watch the kids at some point…

Anyway…onto lunches.

Back to the farro & kale bowl because IT IS SO GOOD.

If there were ever a reason to celebrate in 2020 (there’s not), it would be for candied pecans and feta. And Kamala Harris. But you can’t put her in a salad and this is a food blog.

Are any of you guys waiting in lines for grocery stores? Or are you doing online deliveries too? Or both?! Share your covid food strategies with me! I’m so curious how things are elsewhere in the country.

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Comments (10)

  1. Katie

    I’m curious why there are long lines at grocery stores for you? Grocery stores never shut down no matter how strict the lockdown is, so what changed…?

    I’m still doing online order pickup like I always have, and it seems the same.

  2. Elise (Post author)

    they only let a certain number in at a time now. i think the new rule is only 20% capacity. so you have to wait outside and only enter when someone leaves to keep the indoor #s safe

  3. Katie

    ohhhh I gotcha – capacity. OK that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification! And it’s a bummer too, b/c how do you know when to go???? Ugh.

  4. Elise (Post author)

    theres no good time…every time ive driven by it has been a long line (not that i get out much these days but still…)

  5. Lindsay

    Grocery shopping is just like usual here in Minnesota. The only store that seems to have limits or restrictions on numbers is Trader Joe’s. I tend to go there midday during the week and never have issues. I have a feeling that the only reason your experiencing waits is because of the state that you live in. (maybe?)
    Also, here in Minnesota we seem to be able to do most everything else (with masks) besides eating in a restaurant and going to a bar. So I have been getting my christmas shopping done and eating at home. 🙂

  6. Elise (Post author)

    Are kids in school in person there?

  7. Hillary

    Portland isn’t as shut down as California right now. We still go to the grocery store because delivery and pick-up get expensive and I don’t want to deal with all of the missed/wrong items that come along with it. Our main store is one that’s open 24 hours so my husband goes at night on sundays. I try to hit Costco as soon as it opens during the week on a day when my husband can manage our 16-month-old for an hour while he works.

  8. Elise (Post author)

    I agree the random subs or things they dont have for online shopping are annoying. As well as imperfect produce’s imperfectness. I got pears two weeks ago that are still rock hard. 🙁

  9. Lindsay

    @Elise – schools here in Minnesota can be open if the case counts in the county are low enough. Also per governors orders starting in January all K-5 schools need to be back in person with the proper safety measures in place. I guess they are seeing too many kids in this state falling behind.

  10. Elise (Post author)

    Man oh man, I wish they would figure it out here soon. Everyone is pissed about the school situation. I don’t know anyone who isn’t struggling w distance learning

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