Savory & Sweet Flatbread options


Back to the flatbread!

Are your tomato plants going bonkers yet?  Mine is just on the cusp of it.  So far, just a modest steady stream.  A handful or so every couple of days.  It’s cool though.  I got a late start planting my garden due to our move.  But I have neighbors and coworkers with gardens and they are hooking. it. up!


Remember when I was pregnant and wanted all things tomato?  To be clear, I’m not pregnant.  But I do think that the tomato cravings lingered around.  Same with my love affair with eggs.  Neither were major components of my diet until my little man came into existence.  I wonder if that’s something other women experience post-pregnancy.  Not that those foods are super random.  I mean, there are definitely more bizarre things to eat.

Dude!  The tangents! 


Goat cheese is my current obsession (all goat’s milk products actually).  I’m so thrilled with how I’m tolerating them. 


So here’s a recipe that incorporates all those yummy things.  It’s kinda like a pizza in that it has a doughy base, a creamy cheesy layer, and a tomato layer.  But it’s fancy, so don’t let it hear you compare it to pizza. 


Roasted Tomato & Basil Goat Cheese Flatbread [vegetarian, gluten free]


  • 2 pieces of GF flatbread
  • 15-20 cherry tomatoes
  • 2-3 oz goat cheese
  • 2 tbsp plain unsweetened almond milk
  • small handful fresh basil, finely chopped
  • salt & pepper
  • balsamic glaze


Make flatbread.

Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees F to roast the tomatoes.  Wash them and toss in olive oil.  Place on greased baking dish and roast for 15-20 minutes.  They’ll get all juicy and pop.  Feel free to broil for 1-2 minutes at the end to get them extra black and toasted on top.

In a small bowl whisk together the chopped basil, the goat cheese and the almond milk.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Assemble the flatbread – spread a layer of basil cheese on followed by tomatoes.  Finish with some balsamic glaze.

IMG_4016 IMG_4027

It’s really amazing how sweet tomatoes get when they’re roasted to oblivion.  And combined with creamy, tangy goat cheese and balsamic – oooooh mannnnn. 

It is too good.


Ok, now the best part about the flatbread is that the recipe yields four pieces.

Which means, you can be a responsible adult and eat your fancy shmancy goat cheese & tomato creation for dinner, and then have a classic PB&J for dessert.

That’s what I did.


Yup.  It’s peanut butter, cinnamon, and maple syrup.  No need to bother writing out a recipe.  Just spread it on like your mama taught you.

You’re welcome.  🙂

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Comments (4)

  1. Livi

    yum! I’ve been eagerly awaiting this since that tempting picture the other day. thankfully I have tomatoes up the wazoo…I know what I’m making for dinner 🙂

  2. Aimee

    Mmmm the goat cheese balsamic flatbread looks Incredible! Roasted tomatoes are always delicious and I love all things balsamic.
    This is my tangent: But when I was little and started making my own breakfast I would make 2 pieces of toast, pile as much peanut butter on top as possible, and then drizzle (ok let’s be honest, douse) the whole plate with maple syrup. Your breakfast flatbread brought back some memories! Never thought to add cinnamon though… good thinking! 🙂

  3. Karen

    Hi Elise – looks so good! I wanted to tell you that I started a low-FODMAP diet (I call it 80% implementation) with my son last week and saw an immediate change to his BM’s and improved sleep. Neither one is what I’d consider optimal, but so much better than before. I could write a whole essay about how and why I did that. I think one of our culprits is fruit. All fruit. And that’s terrible because he loves fruit and we eat a ton at our house. It is hard to deny an 18 month old fruit. Also I am still nursing him and breastmilk has lactose so, oh well. Not going to wean for this just yet.

    But this change has been really eye-opening for me. I work 30 hours a week and my husband is full time and I have two kids in group daycare. Can you imagine trying to explain FODMAPs to a daycare provider? So I’m now sending all his food to daycare but sometimes they forget and, “I accidentally gave him pears and Pirate’s Booty, sorry!” It’s not like it’s a peanut allergy that is easy to remember.

    I had finally gotten in a groove preparing healthy home-cooked meals, quickly and en masse for multiple dinners and lunches for 4 people, and now I’m trying to figure out how to integrate in low FODMAP food for my son. I used to, well let’s just say ‘judge’, folks who didn’t make the effort that I do to eat fresh prepared food, or include as many fruits and veggies in the menu, but boy has this last week been eye-opening for me. My husband is shares the household load like the best of them, but on top of work and having two active children, the time I’m spending on food planning, shopping and prep has left me completely exhausted. I know it sounds like an easy fix – just get more organized, quit my job (definitely can’t do that if I’m going to continue buying higher quality food), give up my small volunteer commitments, whatever, but that’s not it. I’m super organized. I really understand now why it’s so hard for working families, single moms, to also keep their household menus filled with nutritious food when our grocery stores offer so much that is easier and cheaper but processed with fillers.

    Anyways, that’s my ramble, sorry. As I was writing this I got a call from my son’s caregiver saying I forgot to send his almond milk, is Lactaid ok? (I said yes??) Maybe I’m pre-PMS or something but I’m feeling crushed. I hope the improvement in his BM’s and sleep continues as motivation to keep going. I am going to try your flatbread as an alternative to regular break for sandwiches. Seems really easy to make, and something I can have my daughter help with.

  4. Melissa

    I agree with you 100% about how sweet tomatoes taste when they are roasted. The flavor explodes! Ahh, so good!

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