Tag Archive: allergy

Nuts without cross contamination

I am in an OIT for food allergy group on facebook and it’s a really awesome helpful community.  I never would have thought to join it until another mom (doing OIT at our same clinic) added me as a member.  It has been so amazing to read everyone’s stories and hear the answers and anecdotes and advice that others have.  Plus all kinds of support! So here’s a link someone recently posted that I wish I’d known about LONG ago: of a list of companies that sell nuts that aren;r cross contaminated with other nuts or… Read more >

The start of OIT

Oats for the wee ones, but nada for me until after I took P to school. It was sunny and warm (!!!!) so I biked there.  Usually I have school with V on Thursdays, but the teacher was sick so it was cancelled. To be honest, I was a little relieved because our day was so packed with activities. Having one fewer thing on the docket was helpful in this case. I had to pull over once to break up some random argument about who knows what, but I made it in record time (same… Read more >

Surviving solo

Surviving is what I did a year ago…I’m much more on top of it now.  Thriving!  Solo!  We miss Kyle a lot while he’s gone, but I haven’t missed a workout, shower, or blow dry even though it’s just me. I haven’t been cooking up fancy dinners, but I’ve been eating exactly what I want. Thanks to my prep, our breakfasts were taken care of for several days.  The kids were also super sick so they didn’t have appetites, which made the pancakes last even longer. As far as managing a work out schedule, here’s how… Read more >

Gingerbread babies

Weirdly my blog got hacked recently (by Russia!?! are they hacking everyone?) and was shut down for a bit.  I was on the phone with IT peeps from bluehost for over two hours which was not how I wanted to spend nap time.  I will be honest and say I understood <5% of the things we were discussing for said hours, but at least I am here again with HHH restored. This was an impulse baking sesh…I prepped the dough during their naps and so when they woke up it was ready to roll out,… Read more >

OIT and SLIT and allergy challenges

I don’t exactly know where to start with this post since it’s been a few months of back and forth and it’s not easy to sum up, but I like keeping you in the loop so here’s where we are… P has outgrown his tree nut, soy, sesame, and gluten allergies but is still allergic to peanuts and dairy. We are aware of all the latest treatment options for peanuts – namely what is being done at Stanford and Long Beach – to desensitize patients.  Essentially small doses are administered until the immune system is convinced… Read more >