Tag Archive: FODMAPS

Chemistry and cornbread

I got a few questions following this post, when I mentioned that I was starting the fructans challenge phase. In the aforementioned post I listed what foods contained fructans (garlic, onion, wheat, inulin, etc.), but maybe I should back up even more.  I have a chemistry background, but for those of you who do not, I’ll try to simplify this as best as I can without abandoning the key concepts or overwhelming you. Carbohydrate: a macronutrient in food that is made up with a single sugar molecule or multiples of them in various forms.  [protein… Read more >

What the wheat

If you’re wondering why there have been more giveaway posts and Spain recaps than daily eats lately, it’s because I’ve been doing the fructans challenge phase.  And I’m not thrilled with it.  At first I was nervous about reintroducing fructans, then I was excited, then I went overboard… I actually started last week, but had such horrible symptoms, I went back to the elimination diet for two days in between, just to allow my body to rest and re-set. I’ll share my reactions and symptoms in more detail at the end (ie once I’ve sorted… Read more >


I have been completely lagging in showing off my work eats.  Packing up my food for the hospital is an art form, but it’s one I’ve perfected.  Blogging about them, however, takes more time and I’m always exhausted when I get home from 12+ hours on my feet.  And of course, there was the unexpected drive down to Newport Beach this weekend…so I’m definitely behind.  Not to throw excuses at you, I’m just saying, I have weeks of hospital food stored up.  How excited are you!?  Ha! Here what’s to follow: on-the-go meals that are… Read more >

Brown rice no-tillas

  Do not be deceived by the beauty of this plate.  The tortillas may as well have been scrambled up with the tofu for all the good they did as a vehicle for the stuffing.  Needless to say, this was a fork and knife meal.  This was one of my first forays in the world of no wheat.  I’m not too impressed.    Quality ingredients and nutritional stats aside, they were similar to (a thinner) cardboard in texture.  The slightest bend and they cracked like a stale wafer.  Interestingly enough, they were packaged between individual… Read more >

Operation Elimination

Prepping for the “elimination phase” of the FODMAPS diet was a bit daunting at first.  I found myself looking up individual foods constantly to see what their chemical structure was (and if they contained FODMAPS).  But once I started to get the hang of it, I came up with lots of meal ideas. My meals will continue to be plant-based, but I want to try and make this as helpful as possible for all my fellow IBSers, so please note, the starred (*) items are for those who aren’t vegan. FODMAPS free grocery list Fruit… Read more >