Tag Archive: FODMAPS

Thoughts on the elimination phase

Being vegan and monitoring fodmaps is a bit tricky.  Without animal meat (or the galactans category, aka beans/legumes), there isn’t much left to provide adequate protein…or so I thought. Here’s the loop-hole: Seitan. “But that’s made with vital wheat gluten!?!” you say.  “You can’t have wheat because it has FODMAPS!” First of all, well done, you’ve been paying attention.  It’s true that wheat is a no-no due to the fructans in it.  However, seitan is made with the gluten in wheat, and is exclusively protein. See the label? No sugar.  No fiber. There are no FODMAPS… Read more >

A breakfast

Breakfast is the meal that has been the easiest while I’m in the FODMAPS elimination phase because nothing much has changed.  I typically eat oats with various add-ins (nuts, nut butters, etc.), all of which are FODMAPS free.  The only real change is having to monitor which fruits (fresh and/or dried) I throw into the mix. Most berries are fine (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.) and ripe bananas are in the clear too.  It’s just apples, pears, and stone fruits that I have to watch out for.  And raisins (in large amounts). To give you an… Read more >

Let’s talk FODMAPS

As I’ve mentioned before, I have been reading up on the low FODMAPS approach to managing IBS symptoms.  Just in the past few weeks I’ve already started to notice relief – and that’s without doing the full fledged elimination phase.  Which is what I wanted to discuss today.  Reminder: FODMAPS are Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, and Mono-saccharides And Polyols.  In more plain terminology, they are certain kinds of carbohydrates, which include lactose, fructose, fructans, polyols, and galactans.  The specifics of why certain sugars, starches, and fibers are more irritating to people with IBS gets a little… Read more >

Nighty night

Soooo, I’m back on night shifts for the week.  🙁 In an effort to get my sleep schedule as off whack as possible, I stayed up ‘til 1 am on Monday night and slept in ‘til 9 am on Tuesday. I had big plans to watch the US Open all day long, but the NYC weather didn’t get the memo. Instead I had tea with almond milk and continued my Ally McBeal marathon.  Livin’ large guys. Breakfast: quinoa with strawberries, bananas, cinnamon and peanut butter Since starting out on the low FODMAPS journey, I’ve been… Read more >

Breaking up is hard to do

I mentioned last month that I was trying to wean myself off stevia, and so many people had questions about why.  So I thought maybe I’d share in more detail.  **However, in the time it took me to actually write the post about this decision, so much has already changed and my choice to switch to agave is no longer applicable.  Rather than elaborate on what led to my initial decision, I will give you the full story, and where I am now.*** I have a sweet tooth.  A major sweet tooth.  Not that I’m… Read more >