Tag Archive: Uruguay

Who was Betsy?

There are certain phrases I find myself saying lately that make me sound like I’m 100 years old.  Or living on a farm in the 1940’s.  I don’t know how I suddenly aged 70 years but it’s kinda odd.  They aren’t even phrases that my parents said, so I have no excuse. Anyone know where the phrase “Heavens to Betsy!” comes from?  It’s pretty random when you think about it. I digress… The oats-in-a-jar trend never really caught on in the HHH household.  But I’m frugal by nature and would never dream of letting these… Read more >

Hi from South America

I’m not really too sure how to post from my celly. I’ve only had my iPhone for a few weeks so it’s a miracle I even had the foresight to get the WordPress app prior to leaving the country. Anyway. We will be back in the EEUU in a few days but until then here’s my best attempt at mobile blogging. Our apartment’s view in Buenos Aires… The one semi-post worthy photo from Punta del Este, Uruguay… Ciao!