The first day of tee ball

This is the easiest meal ever.

You could use any pre-packaged Asian salad mix, or just make your own with bagged slaw, cilantro, and shredded carrots (all things we typically have on hand).  Toss in sesame seeds, nuts (slivered almonds and cashews for us), and a sesame dressing (I keep the TJs soyaki one in the pantry for such situations).

I added baked salmon to everyone else’s but wasn’t really in the mood so I had a bites worth just for some protein, fats and omegas.

This filled in for the fish.  😉

I made another banana bake and I am almost out of NuNaturals oat fiber so I will definitely be placing another order online.  I’m kinda obsessed right now. For those who have been asking, I’ve never seen it in stores.  Our WF used to carry a few (pretty limited) NuNaturals selections, but online is probably the place you are likely to find it. Here’s a link.

Proud helper keeping me company while I prepped some food. Kyle picked P up from preschool as a special treat on Tuesday…so by the time he got home I had both of their lunches all ready to go.

Which included this smoothie. It had zucchini, banana, almond milk, and shredded coconut in it.  And probiotics (any time you see a smoothie, just assume it has probiotics in it because that’s usually the reason I’m giving them one).

I hadn’t been to the store yet, so I was making something out of nothing for dinner, per usual.

It started pouring again so I really didn’t feel like going to the grocery store.  Thank goodness we had just been to Costco.  I knew that could get us by until Wednesday so I could go with V while P was in school.

Here’s the mix before the fun stuff (nuts and avo) got added.

I had one bunch of kale that was on it’s last legs, so I massaged it with bacon fat, and then added roasted butternut squash, broken up pieces of bacon, and quinoa to it.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do that afternoon since the rain had randomly dumped on us for a couple hours – just enough to get everything wet – but then my friend texted and said tee-ball practice was still on!

So I fed them snacks and packed us up to play at the park a bit before practice started.

She fell in every mud puddle before practice started but was completely distracted as soon as the rest of the kids arrived with bats and helmets.

Coach Jess teaching them jumping jacks was basically the highlight of my week.  Everything toddlers do is cute when they are in a group.

Field work.

Running the bases.

And some post-practice park play.  🙂

I’ve now been assigned the team photog role, which is so fitting since that’s basically exactly what my mom was.  Full circle.

I’m so glad dinner was done when we got home because P was on the edge of melting down thanks to a skipped nap (he was in his bed for a couple of hours tossing and turning singing but never fell asleep).

I thought this was a fantastic dinner. I had meant to chop some dates to add in, but forgot in the moment.  Oh well.

Despite their ^%&#* moody moods they ate well.  Kyle and I couldn’t get them in bed fast enough though.  Just one of those days.  So glad we have the hot tub because winding down after your patience has been stretched out to it’s utmost limits is…well…necessary.

Sad to say, this wasn’t the best Lily’s flavor.

Maybe my expectations were too high after the STELLAR three bars I had on rotation from the weekend, but it is a meh.  Not really much orange flavor going on.

Seriously, is this rain ever going to stop???  Today was super cold again with rain showers.  And it’s supposed to dip back int the 30s again.  I am so over this.  I live in California so I don’t have to deal with the elements.  I want my refund.

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Comments (6)

  1. Caroline

    I can tell that your more frequent blogging schedule is going to be bad for my grocery budget–I’m very close to ordering a sampler pack of Lily’s chocolate (although I guess I can skip the orange flavor), and I’m intrigued by the oat fiber too.

    I feel you on some days not being able to put the kiddo to bed fast enough. It seems like Caleb always chooses the precise moment that we sit down to dinner to be a total tyrant.

  2. Courtney

    I love the pics of V joining in on the tee ball fun–so adorable! I always wanted to do everything my big sister did too 🙂

  3. Lisa

    Come back to Philly! 70’s for three days in a row in FEBRUARY!!! Winter is OVER!!!

  4. Elise (Post author)

    W H A T !!!!! SO jealous. It was 33 this morning. I wanted to go on a bike ride but it is just not fun at that temp.

  5. Elise (Post author)

    It’s so relaxed they basically let her “be” on the team. I’m very thankful for that too, since she’s not a “hang on the sidelines” kind of girl 😉

  6. Julia

    Hi Elise!!!
    I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now , and I love it!! I’ve made several recipes from your blogs and all have been sooooo yummy!!! I’ve been trying to find the recipe for your breakfast bakes, which I really want to try. Could you please post one? I have a weakness for anything topped with nut butter 😀 Thank you so much!!

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