You put the pear in the coconut

Is it just me, or does my coffee froth look like a person running?


I could be going crazy.  It’s entirely possible.  It’s actually the more likely scenario.  Still, I couldn’t help but feel like my morning coffee was sending me subliminal messages. 

I ignored them and went for a bike ride instead.  It was AWESOME. 


Before hitting the road, I had a bowl of oats with a chopped apple.  Don’t be deceived by the above photo, though.  This batch of oats was anything but average.


I bulked up the 1/2 cup rolled oats with 1/4 cup Tropical Traditions organic coconut flour.


It tasted like cake batter.  No joke, this felt like a ridiculous(ly awesome) way to start the day. 

So, back to my bike ride. 

I went approximately 7.5 miles, which took me almost 50 minutes.  Some was along the ocean front, but it was mostly traffic-y riding.  Afterwards, my legs felt all wobbly.  I love that feeling!  Like I pedaled my little heart out.  So much fun.


I had Alvarado Street sprouted bread with peanut butter after I got cleaned up.

Then it was cheesecake time.  Naturally I sampled the batter along the way…followed by the final product. 


Not poisonous.  😉

Dinner was leftover rice noodles with nutty sauce.  I steamed an extra bunch of kale to bulk up the meal in the greens department (kinda a pathetic veg day for me, huh).


I had a little snack plate, too.


Medjool dates, super salty roasted almonds, and an apple. 

If you thought that was dessert, though, you clearly don’t know me very well. 


Kyle had a slice too and gave it his stamp of (non-vegan) approval. 


He suggested next time I make a pumpkin one, and I think he’s onto something.  This could easily be adapted to make any number of “cheesecake” flavors.  Cocoa, pumpkin, vanilla…I’m so excited to have a huge bag of coconut flour to experiment with.  Such a versatile flour!


This coconut pear dessert has only been around for a few hours and look at the damage!! 

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Comments (20)

  1. megan @ the oatmeal diaries

    So jealous of your breakfast- it sounds awesome! I need to get my hands on some coconut flour asap 🙂

  2. Susan

    I love the idea of using coconut flour in oatmeal- yum!

  3. Salah

    I’ve never thought about using coconut flour in oatmeal….what a great idea!!!

  4. Sami

    your meals make me so jealous. seriously. coconut flour in oats? vegan cheesecake? it’s like being sexually frustrated…only with food. haha.

  5. Katie

    Okay, I want to leave work and go for a bike ride and then eat some cheesecake. Sounds good to me…now I just have to get my boss on board. 🙂

  6. Ate

    Mmm…if there’s some left hueves, yo quiero.

  7. Diana

    I’ve never heard of coconut flour! It sounds tasty. I wonder how people come up with grinding things up into flours haha. I think adding unsweetened coconut flakes would make it extra coconutty and delicious!

  8. Olivia

    Running and coffee!?! Ahh two of my most favorite things:) I need to try coconut flour pronto, you have such yummy recipes using it! And I’m obsessed with coconut, end of story.

  9. Christine (The Raw Project)

    Hehe, great coffee art! I have never tried coconut flour, but it sounds amazing in oats. It’s been ages since I’ve got out my bike, I need to as soon as the mud dries on the trails. The pear dessert looks divine and I have low veggie days too.

  10. vegansunshine

    Where did you get coconut flour? I want some! All your food looks yummy, like usually 😛


  11. Maryann

    I am intrigued by the coconut flour! You sold me with your breakfast..yum!

  12. A Tablespoon of Liz

    coconut flour in oatmeal… I would have never thought! Sounds amazing!

  13. Kailey (SnackFace)

    So, I just tried coconut oil for the first time today and was wowed. Now I MUST find coconut flour. I have no idea where the hell I’m going to find it around here. Whole Foods, be ready for me.

  14. kissmybroccoli

    Cake batter oats?? You are seriously making me want to go out and hunt down some coconut flour! Maybe I could make my own?

  15. crazylittlethingneela

    wow that cake look fabulous!
    I could not see the runner at first but then it was so clear. that’s so funny!
    Hope you enjoyed your bike ride. I have heard so much about coconut flour. I guess it’s good for us IBSers 😉
    take care love

  16. carolinebee

    I was totally imagining a chocolate version as i read your last post 😀 Bike rides are sooo awesome, i used to ride my bike to work every day in momz is under strict instructions NOT to give it away!! I wish we could cruise in the sun together! 😀

  17. Anna

    I’ve had “Put the Lime In the Coconut” running through my head ever since I saw your title in my blog reader this morning! It’s making me think of Practical Magic (midnight margaritas – hmm, probably not approved during the night shift 😉 hehe).

  18. elise

    maybe it is…ive never heard that, but i agree with it. i feel awesome and ive been eating it like crazy lately. coconut rut much?

  19. elise

    i bet coconut flakes and a food processor would do it.

  20. elise

    tropical traditions sells it online. i bet you could find it at whole foods though too.

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