Monthly Archive: August 2010

Seeking seaweed

Cravings are both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because they help me make up my mind (I swear 99% of the time I can’t decide on what to make for dinner even when I’m half-way through making it). A curse because when I do get that oh-so-rare lightbulb moment, it’s usually for a fairly random food and the chances of me actually having it on hand are slim to none. The other day my mind stomach was absolutely dead set on seaweed. Oddly enough, I actually had some wakame chilling in the pantry. I… Read more >

Cheesy Spinach Dip: a photo recipe

I am truly blown away by the amazing responses to yesterday’s post. Putting yourself out there can be such a risk…the fear of being judged by others…the vulnerability of exposing your own “issues” for all the world to read about…but your thoughtful, kind, and appreciative comments about what I shared overwhelmed me.  Thank you for reminding me that honesty is embraced, that blogging is far more rewarding than just recipe sharing & restaurant reviewing, and that the support and personal connections (with virtual strangers no less) are the reason we are such a unique community…. Read more >

It all evens out

Last week I had one of those days where my appetite just wouldn’t quit.  I hate those kinds of days, honestly.  They either mean my metabolism is psychotically fast (here’s hoping!) or I’m nursing a tapeworm (shudder).  Unfortunately, I didn’t handle it in a healthy or mindful way.  My stomach seemed to be growling constantly, so I took advantage of it and (ultimately) went overboard.  I wasn’t going to blog about it (because, quite frankly, the actual eats weren’t exactly newsworthy), but then I realized how I reacted the following day was worth sharing with… Read more >

La Tomatina

On the last Wednesday of August, at the peak of the tomato season, the village of Bunol, Spain stages a tomato war.  For two hours, the participants happily pelt each other with the ripe, red fruit until the streets run with rivers of tomato juice.  After the festivities, celebrants, friends and neighbors gather in the town square for food and wine festivities.  This festival is called La Tomatina and is the inspiration for this beloved Walnut Creek restaurant.  (source) Growing up, Tomatina was always one of my fave restaurants.  Located in the heart of downtown… Read more >

Bud Light Bread

How exactly can beer and pizza be healthy?  Well, it depends on how you make them, I guess.  You can use 100% Whole Wheat flour for instance. And light beer. And you can use Brendan Brazier’s recipe for “pizza sauce.” But in the end, all that matters is if it tastes good.  And it did. Last month, I bookmarked a very intriguing recipe from my fave healthy everythingtarian in which she made pizza dough using beer.  If your reaction to this news is anything like mine was, you’re probably chomping at the bit in anticipation… Read more >