Ironically ill

I got this in the mail a few days ago, but I haven’t tried it yet.


Ironically, I am in the middle of quite a cold.

Kyle has yet to catch it, which I’m attributing to both the Ultra Immune serum and my anal hand hygiene.  I’m a clean-a-holic anyways (side effect of nursing), but when I’m sick I get really OCD about it.


The last time I got sick I complained about the lack of natural products on the market.  Aside from tea, I don’t really have a go-to remedy.

In seeing the pure herbal ingredients in the Ultra Immune supplement, I’m more than satisfied with it.  Which is a lot to say since I have pretty high standards for wellness products.  The supplement is vegan, gluten free, and preservative free.  And the company is committed to sustainable, eco-friendly and socially responsible practices.

Cool with me!

And while I’m hesitant to stamp any kind of conclusive cause and effect label on a product, I will say that so far Kyle hasn’t caught whatever I have.

Maybe you’d like to try it for yourself?

Since we are in the middle of cold & flu season, I think it’s only appropriate to share with you guys, so one reader will win a 1-month supply of Ultra Immune.

Why not give 2012 everything you’ve got?  Maybe you’re like me and your natural reaction to a scratchy throat is loading up on tea, Vitamin C, and/or Zinc.  Echinacea and Zinc are actually in most immune-related supplements but they aren’t meant for long term use.  Ultra Immune is actually meant to be used daily, so you can feel your best all the time (and you don’t have to try and predict when cold’s are coming).  Now if only I’d gotten it in the mail earlier myself!

See the bottom of the post with how to enter.


I don’t have any motivation to cook when I’m sick, so it’s been oats morning, noon, and night.

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…with almond butter and banana.

…with Love Grown granola.


…with blueberries and quinoa.


…with peanut butter and maple syrup.


…and with almond butter and bananas (again).


You get the idea.  So I’m just lying here in bed, waiting for my cooking mojo to come back.

Giveaway entry:

Leave a comment telling me your go-to meal when you are home sick. 

Winner will be announced on Monday, Feb 20th.

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Comments (91)

  1. Clare @ Fitting It All In

    definitely a can of amy’s soup and toast with hummus

  2. Gabby

    I’m the same as you, oats and lots of tea. Feel better!

  3. Emily

    I make soup. Usually “all the orange veggies I can find” soup. Sweet potatoes, carrots, squash. Good stuff.

  4. Jill in Chicago

    Hope you feel better, Elise! When I’m sick I go straight for the OJ and Naked brand ‘Power-C Machine’ juice (or similar brands of ‘boosted’ juice.)

    I used to love a good ‘ole salty can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle…I think Amy’s has a ‘No-Chicken’ Noodle made with tofu, but I haven’t yet tried it while sick to see if it has the same comforting effects.

  5. sarah

    I love a good bowl of oatmeal!

  6. Cee

    I hope you feel better soon! I’m in the midst of a terrible head cold (sore throat, stuffed up, aches), and so is my preschooler, and it’s no fun to be couch-bound. For my daughter, her go to meal is a popsicle (of course!), but I usually don’t feel like eating anything when I’m sick. If I do, I want something like plain mashed potatoes with green tea, or something like that.
    Sending healing, healthy wishes your way.

  7. Sherry

    Oatmeal and Soup are all I want when I’m not feeling well.

    Hope you feel better soon, it’s no fun being sick!

  8. Stephanie D.

    I usually drink smoothies to load up on healing vitamins and enzymes. Plus, the iciness feels so good on a sore throat. Sorry you’re sick right now, Elise. Hope you feel better soon!

  9. Rebecca

    I actually just got one of these bottles in the mail from another giveaway! It’s such an amazing product because literally everyone around me lately has been sick and I’ve had this every morning and i feel amazing! It may be that or it could be that i just am lucky and barely get sick 🙂 I would love another one of these!

  10. Greta

    Oats, definitely! Oats and smoothies, for sure. And quite the amount of tea, of course.

  11. alexandra fitzmorris

    definitely soup. it sounds like everyone else is saying the same thing. i crave hot/cold things and nothing else. so if it isn’t soup or oatmeal or chili i’ll be eating frozen bananas or mangoes. (:

  12. Cole

    Feel better soon Elise! Sounds like that stuff is working too which is awesome! I always gravitate towards soup with a hunk of bread on the side or veggie sushi, I think I just crave bread or rice when I’m sick.

  13. Kayla

    my goal to meals when i’m sick are usually protein muffins, cereal, yogurts and things that aren’t too hard to digest like tons of vegetables and meats.

  14. Nicolette

    When I’m sick I drink tea constantly – especially if I need to go to class and soothe my throat throughout. Besides that, I go for anything easy: oats, leftover soups in the freezer, anything I don’t have to prep.

  15. janetha

    ugh i woke up with a little nagging something. hope you feel better!

  16. Joy

    I’m sitting at home sick too – the only thing I’m liking is tea with almond milk and an orange

  17. Rebecca

    Unless I’m bedridden, my favorite sick meal is noodle soup with Asian flavors – I usually do a garlic/mushroom/ginger broth with soba, kale, onion, chili flakes, and possibly squash, radish, or whatever other veggies I feel like throwing in.

  18. Trisha

    I’d say anything warm and soup like…but that also includes oatmeal! A warm soup, oatmeal or chili does the body good!

  19. Krystina (Krystina Zena)

    My go-to sick meal is definitely shells and peas with butter and parm.

  20. Katie

    Tomato soup & grilled cheese with Avocado!

  21. KKP

    I’m usually hoping I still have some lentil soup in the freezer….or I’ll just eat blueberries.

  22. Isabel

    Oh damn, I’m ill too. But i’ve got stomachache. That’s really horrible because I feel I can’t eat nothing. My option for today’s dinner it’s just a slice of rye bread with olive oil, salt and tofu. For dessert banana. I just hope to feel better tomorrow 🙁

    In fact, I’ve been reading you’re blog for so long, but till today I haven’t comment you. Hope you feel better soon…!!

  23. Michelle

    Tea, slightly thawed frozen berries with coconut milk, and soup are my go-to sick foods. My SIL makes a really easy, soothing soup with store-bought broth or bouillon, enoki mushrooms, and chopped ginger that always hits the spot when I’m under the weather.

  24. Haley

    soup! Tomato, squash, or lentil. I especially like squash soup with salsa and srichacha mixed in to help my sinuses out 🙂

  25. Lee

    Soup from a can or popsicles. My mom used to say that when I was a little kid, I always wanted milk when I was sick.

    Feel better.

  26. Liz M

    I tend to favor multiple oatmeal combinations and soup, followed by a chaser of emergen C!

  27. Georgia @ Trying Something New

    My go-to sick remedy is a “Friends” marathon, along with a healthy dose of Vicks Vaporub on my chest. And yes, I apply the rub while watching the episode where Monica is sick.

  28. Lou

    Baked sweet potato with maple syrup + almond butter!

    Hope you are on the mend 🙂

  29. Cel

    Homemade vegetable soup!
    Get well soon 🙂

  30. Cassandra @ She Don't Eat No Meat

    Carbs. Carbs. Carbs. I don’t know why, but all my sick body wants is a sourdough loaf.

  31. Malinda

    My go to when at home sick is either soup or leftovers. 🙂

  32. hipveganchic

    oatmeal with nut butter and fruit. maybe some honey. 🙂

  33. Emily

    I like things as bland as possibly when I have a stomach virus or cold: oatmeal, rice, bananas, and applesauce.
    I frequently get strep throat and I rely on Dole All Natural Strawberry Fruit Pops.

  34. Angie S

    When I’m sick (flu or cold) I make vegetable noodle (like chicken noodle) soup and eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s easy because I always have veggies sliced for the week and I make my own veg broth (stored in ice cube trays in the freezer) so there’s typically zero prep involved. Also, I LOVE raw honey & cinnamon on toast…not only does it taste amazing but the honey soothes my throat and there’s that added bonus of the antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties they they are both said to posses. There’s also plenty of tea involved as well as unhealthy doses of Friends, Will & Grace and Sex and the City marathons. Typically there’s also a tub of coconut oil near me for the sides of my nose (for the rawness from blowing) and also for this vapor rub: 3 Tbs. Coconut Oil – melted, 3-5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil, 6-10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil. Place oil into a small container and add in essential oils. Then just rub on chest, under nose (carefully) and even feet. Rubbing on the feet and then covering with socks is said to be particularly great for coughs. I hope you feel better soon!!! <3

  35. lauren@spicedplate

    When I am home sick, I want quinoa cooked in water, and then topped with warm almond milk and spices like ginger, turmeric, and things specific to how I’m feeling . Warm and comforting!

  36. Casey @ Insatiably Healthy

    Usually an egg of some sort. Since I know it has a lot of nutrients in it and I can stomach it. That or some bread with some EB schmeared on top

  37. Courtney

    I am sick right now–I could use some of that! When I am sick I like soup or if my throat is sore (like now) I want smoothies because the cold feels good on my throat 🙂


  38. CK

    Biggest thing I do is cut out sugar!! All and any sugar including fruit 🙁 Sugar suppresses your immune system.

    This product looks great, but just a note for those with autoimmune disorders or allergies: Anyone with an autoimmune disorder or allergies shouldn’t take products like this that have medicinal mushrooms or echinachea since those herbs/foods BOOST the immune system which can worsen the autoimmune issues. Instead, those people need to BALANCE the immune system with diet, other herbs, vitamins, etc.

  39. shani

    for sure soup….usually a pureed orange or potato soup

  40. Clare

    Yummm.. All your oatmeal combos look beautiful 🙂 I can’t go past soup when I’m sick, lots of veggies!

  41. Tierney

    I always eat Amy’s no-chicken noodle soup when I’m sick. If I have enough energy, I make a Daiya, nooch and hummus grilled cheese to go along with it.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  42. Samantha

    Toast is the only thing I can manage when I’m sick. I’m the biggest baby and will sit in bed until I’m better.

  43. stephanie

    oatmeal, muffins, milk 🙂

  44. carol c

    When I or the kids feel on the verge of a cold, we head for teaspoons of raw honey. I also make a tea of lemon, ginger and more raw honey. Does the trick.

  45. sara

    yep soup is the classic go-to when i get sick..and bananas and toast..? I hope ya feel better soon, I’m actually mid-cold also and just made me a nice cuppa tea hoping for some relief and relaxation!

  46. hill

    I also go for oats when I am feeling under the weather. Miso ramen is my other go to. Simple warm comfort foods are the best when you feel gross.

  47. hippierunner

    When I’m sick, which has been happening too often lately since the kids I watch are always sick, I just stick to toasted wheat sourdough bread. I lose my appetite. Not fun!

  48. Kaitlyn

    When I’m really sick I don’t want anything aside from Saltines and applesauce!

  49. Karlee

    same as you! when i have a cold, sweet oats with lots of almond milk and peanut butter. i thought i was the only one. nothing savory sounds good. when it’s a stomach thing, sprite.

  50. amy

    When I’m sick, I lose my appetite but bananas, bread, and peanut butter are usually the most comforting to me.

  51. Anna

    I feel so much more susceptible to getting sick recently…less sleep and more stress will do it! My go to meal is comfort foods like banana oatmeal or veggie soup!

  52. Emily

    I’m a carb fiend when I’m sick.
    Like you, I tend to stick with oats. All day, every day. It’s easy, comforting, carb-filled, and delicious. You can’t go wrong there.
    Other than that, I eat lots of toast with earth balance, popsicles, and dry cereal.
    Feel better!

  53. Amanda

    I am downright shocked that I have a cold. I eat soooo healthy.
    I’ve been craving miso garlic soup with sriracha sauce spicing it up.
    That and hot tea seem to make me feel a little better.

  54. Samantha

    To be honest, a green monster! I try to get in as many greens as I can when I’m sick! Plus it’s easy to eat/drink if you’re appetite isn’t really there.

  55. Emily Mac.

    When I get sick I usually go for tomato soup with TVP simmered in it for a few minutes. It is soothing, filling and so therapeutic. I live on that and Airborne and Emergen-C when and if I get sick!!! Hope your feeling better soon!

  56. NancyAP

    When I’m sick, I go for the oranges. Especially clementines.

  57. Jes Suazo

    So sorry you are sick! This product looks awesome.

    My go-to “home sick” food is peanut butter sandwiches.

  58. Katherine

    hmmm, well it depends on what kind of sick, but trader joe’s harvest blend grains covered in parmesan cheese is usually my go-to meal

  59. chandra

    warm oats, bananas, and almond butter. Feel Better!

  60. Monica

    Lots of hot tea, oatmeal, and sandwiches that require no actual cooking for me when I’m under the weather!

  61. Amye

    When I’m home sick I eat lots of oranges for the vit. C.

  62. Sarah Shrier

    I’ve been sick this week too. 🙁 I’ve been living off of frozen banana babies, toast with Earth Balance, and oats. Feel better soon!

  63. Claudette

    I love soups. I’m from Africa and we have something called “pepper soup” that is a watery, thin consistency soup with lots of veggies and lots of spicy flavor. It’s great because it’s delicious/comforting and opens up your sinus.

  64. Shauna


  65. Jordan

    Tea and miso soup.

  66. Regan

    My go to meal when I am sick is soup and toast, it is always comforting 🙂

  67. jc

    definitely oatmeals… with cinnamon!

  68. Sarah

    A nice homemade pot of minestrone soup and lots of tea! Hope you’re better soon, I need more hippie bowl ideas!

  69. beatriceqq

    how you get the love grown granola?i wanna buy but i can’t find any in hong kong!!!can you help to ship to me please?:)

  70. nile

    my go to meal is a soup filled with as many vegetables as humanly possible to fit in a soup. or anything from the whole foods buffet line 😉

  71. Rachel

    booo feel better 🙁

    i have no appetite when i’m sick, but toast with peanut butter, rice cakes, and plain tea usually hit the spot when i feel nauseous:). spicier foods and soup help with my colds.

  72. Rebecca @ All-American Vegetarian

    I also totally lose my appetite when I have a cold. Frustrating. When I’m coming out of it, though, I usually enjoy something basic like a jar of store-bought marinana and a box of spaghetti. Absolutely no raw veggies 🙁 but I try to keep up my fruit-green smoothies for the vitamin power. I am coming off a horrible cold/cough, which has lasted for 3 weeks! Finally gave in and bought Nyquil which allowed me a few amazing nights of sleep and also got Afrin for my sinuses = wonder drugs which I try to stay away from, but honestly have helped. I think I could have used something like this Ultra Immune! Thanks for the giveaway, feel better soon!!! ~Rebecca

  73. Ethel

    The Filipino go-to meal is “lugaw.” It’s basically a porridge rice with chicken. You can probs omit the chix. I wonder if I can make it vegan or even fodmaps friendly using garlic infused oil. Hmm. Challenge? It does have a bit of ginger root slices in there. Are those low in fodmaps? In any case, when I just don’t have an appetite, rice porridge does the trick. 🙂

  74. Jamie

    Toast with avocado… and a hot toddie. I know that alcohol sucks for your immune system, but hot toddies are amazing when you have a cold!

  75. Kelsey

    when sick I get after a big bowl of roasted red soup and grill cheese! YUM!

  76. sarah

    Usually some type of noodle soup, with miso. Salty and hot.
    Also boiling chunks of ginger in some water with sweetner and then adding a whole lemon (uncut). Once it’s simmered a bit, you scoop out the lemon and cut it in a bowl and all the yummy hot lemon juice pours out. Add it to the the ginger tea and it’s heavenly on your throat!
    Feel better soon!

  77. katie

    Def some type of soup OR some type of oatmeal concoction!!

  78. Amanda

    When I’m sick, I ALWAYS go with tomato soup and saltine crackers. Depending on if I’m congested or not, I’ll spring for dairy and add shredded sharp cheddar cheese. It always makes me feel better. 🙂

  79. Ashley @ Cooking for John

    I take Umcka right when I feel a cold coming on, and it seems to work for me.

    My go to meal when I’m sick is usually lots of soup for lunch and dinner,oats for breakfast, and echinacea tea and O.J. all day long.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  80. Chrissy

    A smoothie of fruits and veggies and A bowl of oats

  81. Persephonie

    My go-to meal when I am home sick is usually toast with almond butter or earth balance, with tea on the side:)

  82. Steph

    Waffles + peanut butter + maple syrup. Yummmm!

  83. Arma Alvarez

    I always go for cereal or a grilled sandwich with soup when I feel like crap. They’re easy and never fail me!

  84. megan

    I always turn to simple cinnamon toast

  85. Corey

    I eat a salad with fresh veggies and then drink pots and pots of tea. And I take a multivitamin if I’ve forgotten for a while!

    Feel better soon!

  86. Kim

    if i have a cold then i always want pozole with lots of lime and homemade corn tortillas. if its the stomach flu though, i gotta go with good old saltines and ginger ale!

  87. Lisa

    Soup! I cannot get enough of it!

  88. Valerie @ FreshMutz

    Home sick= Toast with Jelly
    Homesick= Meatballs

    How is your tummy with aloe vera? I on the fence and bit too much and I’m no good but a little bit and it’s no problem.

  89. ananda

    Usually butternut squash soup. It’s so easy to make, easy to eat and always makes me feel warm and full and sleepy.

  90. Sara

    Mama Pea’s Pickle Soup! Easy to make and filling, also pickles are one of my favorite foods.

  91. Libby

    Lately my go-to sick meal has been a can of Amy’s lentil soup with lots of hot sauce. It tastes great and the spiciness helps open up my sinuses (in theory anyway…the bug I got a few weeks ago was too hardcore for tricks like that).

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