Monthly Archive: January 2009

the silk comeback

Oh, SILK soy milk, how I missed you – let me count the ways.  Glass of silk before leaving for work Silky soy latte from Starbucks to kick start my first day back on the unit Soy misto with lunch (from Starbucks, too) And that’s only noon! Here’s my sammie, packed the night before.  It’s smart deli “turkey” with the works. This baby never disappoints!  I also had a Berries GoMega odwalla bar with my AM coffee and the dried fruit with my PM JUG of apple juice.  Yeah, I really really sugar loaded at… Read more >

down for the count

Yup, my computer is pretty much done-zo…It’s been struggling for a while now, but when you add on the fact that my internet has been out for nearly a week – it’s pretty obvious why I’ve been on HHH hiatus.  Sadly, I learned a sad pathetic fact about myself during this time…while my computer failed, my healthy eating also went to the wayside.  I seriously ate EVERYthing in the entire apartment, AND managed to gain 25 pounds, too.  Okay, I exaggerated a touch there, but I’m pretty sure I did some may-jah damage.  The worst… Read more >


Another travel filled day (Mexico to Texas to New York).  Sadly, I had to leave the warm, beautiful weather in Mexico (the fun had to end sometime).  Even though I’m definitely NOT looking forward to returning to the icy New York climate, I AM ready for the rest of what Manhattan offers (namely the food).  Sure, vacation was great, but 4 days was long enough.  I never thought I’d say this, but I’m so sick of chips and salsa…That’s the thing about Mexico, there’s not much variety when dining.  It’s weird how spoiled you can… Read more >

breath taking

I can’t even put into words the gorgeous views I have been taking in over the last couple of hours…literally took my breath away.  I was also running up and down a mountainside though, so that may have contributed a bit… I set out to go on a 30-45 minute run and literally lost myself in the beauty of the landscape.  The time flew by, and if my playlist hadn’t ended I may have kept running forever.  I was just so caught up in the scenery, I felt on top of the world.  Here’s the… Read more >

lazy day-zy

It’s weird that I’m boozing into the wee hours with my fam, and yet,  I’m still up and ready to start my day at 8 am.  I guess reading and lazing about in the sun all day isn’t really too demanding, so my body doesn’t feel like it needs all the zzz time.  A little bit of home, even in Mexico…starbucks coffee with my morning crossword  🙂 I was ravenous by 10, which isn’t really normal for me.  I tried to ignore it, but it was clear my stomach was not going to leave me… Read more >