Monthly Archive: January 2009

a whale of a time

I heart being on vacation.  Doing nothing will never get old. AM routine, same old same old (glass of lactose free milk, followed by a mug of cafe con “leche”). With no real agenda for the day, we spent the morning lazing about on the sun deck and roof.  Later, my parents ditched us for a Costco shopping spree, so my sister and I headed to the beach.  I grabbed an apple for the road.  Rather than get harassed by vendors every five seconds (like yesterday) on the public beach, we decided to go to… Read more >

plenty of fish in the sea?

Fresh guacamole, sunshine for days…this is the life!  I’m definitely glad I ditched NYC, no matter how long and annoying the flights were.  Now that I’m here, even multiple 3 hour layovers seem well worth it.  It’s like I forgot that “winter” in other parts of the world were actually tolerable. Anyways, I have been feasting while on vacation, I had to take a hiatus from my pseudo-vegan eating for a more practical diet while on vacay.  So now I’m sticking to a pesce-vegetarian diet. I know it’s stupid (since I’m on vacation) but it… Read more >

surf and turf (vegan style)

Ok, actually being vegan in Mexico is pretty impossible, so I’ve made a few compromises for the sake of enjoying the vacation…let’s just say, chips and guac will never get old.  But I’m getting ahead of myself. This morning I slept in and woke up to the sun beaming through my window.  Here’s the view from out my room.   LOVE it!!!!  New York, smell ya later.  My parents’ villa has 3 floors and my room is on the bottom floor along with my parents’.  There’s also the casita (where my sis is staying) which… Read more >

Planes, trains, and automobiles

A recap of my travel filled day: Wake up call at 5 am, off to JFK at 6 am (I literally took 3 different forms of transportation to get to the airport, including the subway, the Long Island Rail Road, and the air tram)…quite the workout for the crack of dawn.  Needless to say, I was exhausted once I got to the airport, which is pretty pathetic, considering I haven’t worked in a week and have had 10+ hours of sleep every night.  I’m turning into a sloth apparently?  Without a starbucks in sight, I… Read more >

What goes with hummus?

Answer: everything!  (duh!!) Honestly, what doesn’t go with hummus?!?!  I L-O-V-E sabra (so clearly I had a ton of hummus with dinner)!  I should start a Sabra fan club or something… Quite the plate of goodies: GC tofu, sweet potatoes, and a ww heel of bread – all topped with creamy, savory, classic hummus Ummm, how AMAZING does this bite look?  A chunk of tofu and a sweet potato circle held together with a dollop of hummus, HOLY YUM!! I wasn’t full, though, so I decided to try a new vegan product.  Chik’n strip “meal… Read more >