Monthly Archive: January 2009

I almost burned the house down!

OMG!  I seriously just had WAY too close a call with an oven disaster… Enough said?  Those are brussels, since you probably can’t tell.  I was at the gym and I suddenly remembered holy $*&%!! I left Brussels sprouts in the oven.  I’ve never sprinted back to my apartment faster.  No joke.  I EFFING booked it.  When I turned onto my road I was at least happy that there were no fire trucks, and we DO have a doorman, so I figured they’d recognize if smoke was consuming the hallway…but when I opened the door… Read more >

Obama nation

I got chills! Yes, we can. No I wasn’t there, these pics are from my television.  Anyways…onto the food! What better way to start off the day than with a warm frothy coffee and french toast.   I used egg beaters, vanilla silk and cinnamon with ww bread, and then CAKED on the earth balance.  Seriously, I went overboard with the EB… I know it’s vegan and all, but I’m not sure that’s an acceptable excuse to add as much as I do to my food.  I also had a blueberry o’soy.  Loves it. For… Read more >

Snacky McSnackerson

Happy MLK Jr. day!  Even though we don’t get holidays in the hospital, I actually have today off, so I can appreciate the holiday like everyone else (meaning Kyle)!  I slept in and enjoyed a huge froth-filled latte while watching the View. Kyle’s not a huge fan of the View, so he was working on the computer to block out “Whoopi’s obnoxious voice.”  I made myself a little somethin’ somethin’ for brunch – an open-faced PB quesadilla with a WW tortilla and peanut butter.  I’ve never had this brand of tortilla, in fact our grocery… Read more >

peanut buttah jelly time

Hooray!  The internet people fixed our connection thingy for real now.  Can you tell how tech savvy I am with that intelligent computer language…Anyways, fingers crossed, we won’t have any more days without access to the outside world.  Phew!  (Since it is snowing and I’m cooped up in the apartment, I associate the internet with the “outside”) I started the day off with a mug of frothy vanilla coffee and big bowl of oats. Gotta love me some Bob’s Red Mill organic whole grain oats 🙂 I had about 1 1/2 cups and added in… Read more >

London calling

My K-Love is still in the UK, and I miss him like whoa!  Since he left for his business trip while I was in Cabo, I haven’t seen him for over a week, and the time difference makes it hard to even get in a few live conversations…boo :(   He even called the unit yesterday (while I was WORKING) to say a quick hello, that’s how desperate we were to touch base.  It was only a 3 minute convo though, since one of my patients went into V-tach right after I picked up the phone. … Read more >