Monthly Archive: June 2011

Marvelous Monday

Meals and musings from a marvelous Monday… All together now: chia pudding/overnight oats, big salad with leftover quinoa, apple, apricot, WF ciabatta roll, Sabra hummus. I found these at Whole Foods and thought they’d be perfect for lunches.  I usually bring a pita, tortilla, or a slice of sprouted bread to dip in hummus, but Ciabatta rolls sounded like the perfect change up.  I had one for my first breakfast (pre-work eaten in my car) with almond butter. Second breakfast (eaten after grand rounds in the break room) was the last of the leftover chia… Read more >

Readers request: Finding fitness

How to find an exercise/fitness routine that’s right for you? Trial & error is the long (and unfortunately time consuming) answer. I know lots of lifestyle factors and personal preferences come into play here, but more than anything else variety is definitely key in keeping yourself stimulated mentally and physically.  At least that’s my personal work-out philosophy.  Bodies plateau when a fitness routine becomes…well…routine.  So it’s critical to keep your muscles guessing. Another thing to bear in mind, is that our bodies change over the course of our lives.  So what interested and worked for… Read more >

A simple Sunday

Nothing too interesting going on in this casa.  Simple weekend fun. I woke up at 8 feeling much better than yesterday (thanks for all the well wishes).  It’s funny how every time I mention I’m not feeling well the first question people ask is “are you pregnant?”  In fact, anytime anything remotely baby related comes up in conversation people think it’s appropriate to ask when I’m planning to have kids.  I can’t even say “awww” to a cute little toddler without people assuming it means I’m getting ready for mommy mode.  I don’t really mind… Read more >

Tropical Traditions giveaway winner

As per TWO POUNDS of coconut is going to… #134 – Michelle who said “If I make your quinoa granola on a regular basis, but can’t link to a blog, does that count? Either way, I should tell you that dried cherries and pistachios (if you like them) are great nuts to sub in!” Congrats!  Email me with your address so I can get your Tropical Traditions coconut flakes in the mail.  🙂

The Misfit

I woke up Saturday feeling slightly nauseous.  It was rather unpleasant.  I actually felt a little sick when I went to bed Friday night, but I figured I’d just sleep it off…not the case.  Upon waking, I was instantly queasy.  [Note: I’m not pregnant] I had no appetite whatsoever (and nothing sounded good to me at ALL) and I even felt a little full from the previous day.  But at the same time, my stomach felt empty and hollow, like it needed something to cushion it from eating itself.  Apparently it’s possible to be both… Read more >