B is for…

Blueberries?  Banana?  Bruno?  Blogging?  Take your pick.


My java was full of frothy love – I hearted it (literally).  Even though I woke up at 7:30, I remained one with the sheets until 9, which meant that I was a hungry hungry hippie when I finally got up.


Not the kind of breakfast I usually go for, but my tums was grrrrrowling, so I knew it needed to have some staying power.  This beautiful bowl included cinnamon-raisin-almond granola, fresh blueberries, and frozen banana slices.  I love the way milk coats frozen fruit and makes a frosty film over it…yummmm.


The granola/fruit $-shot, plus a brekkie staple (A is for apple).

I wasn’t hungry for a while after that – I think my body is used to lighter fare in the AM.  Maybe it was all in my head, but I felt a little sluggish for the following couple of hours. 

Because of that I had an extra light lunch. 


First up: MAJOR bowl of fruit (apple #2, honeydew, and green grapes), followed by a cashew cookie Larabar.

Even though I wasn’t very inspired, I made my way to the gym for an afternoon sweat-sesh.  Nothing crazy, just enough to get my heart pumping…I was excited to wear my new running shorts that I bought yesterday.  Aren’t they super cute?  I got them in the grey (gray?) too. 


After I got home I filled up on a bowl of steamed veggies topped with a couple heaps of humm-daddy and set off to meet Kyle in mid-town.  How blech is this photo – sorry!

Today’s weather was just as nast as yesterday’s – I guess summer is finally here?  My dinner was sponsored by the Columbus Circle Whole Foods hot bar.  Well, not so much “sponsored,” more like, “provided by in exchange for a hefty fee.”


Does anyone else get giddy with excitement upon seeing those 2 words?  AMORE!  After purchasing our goods, we walked to Central Park for some fine dining and entertainment in the form of a good ‘ol fashioned kick ball game.


From L to R: chickpea salad with extra dried cranz, followed by broccoli, and then a sesame/edamame/arame seaweed salad – all on a bed of spinach.  This was my best salad bar concoction yet!! 


Washed down with none other than a Cosmic Cranberry Kombucha.  Well, duh! 


Not too shabby of a dinner setting.

After licking our plates cardboard containers clean, we made our way through the masses (ick, Times Square, ick) to the theater to see BrunoI don’t know which I loved more, my WF dinner or Sacha Baron Cohen trying to bring peace to the middle east through their mutual love of hummus.  I nearly died.

Once back home, I packed my crap because tomorrow = work.

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  1. broccolihut

    I am right there with ya on the giddiness…the mere mention of “WF” sends me into a food frenzy. What’d you think of the Cosmic Cranberry? I liked it, but it made me burp more than usual;)

  2. janetha

    b is for boobs. oh and all that other stuff. love the money shot. i wore new shorts to the gym today too! it helps. haha. i never know with some words like gray, but firefox’s trusty spell check helps. i still need to see bruno! and i dig the salad with such a plethora of toppings. mmm.

  3. Lara (Thinspired)

    I love dinners “sponsored” by Whole Foods 😉
    Don’t you love waking up and just hanging out in bed? It’s such a luxury to be able to read and stuff and then getting up to a nice breakfast!

  4. carolinebee

    Ugh Times square is STRESSSFULL, do u live on the East or west side?? My girlfriends live on the the UES and i looove it 😀

    MAKE ME SOME FOAAMMM!!!! haha seriously, where’d u get your foamer, slash how much?

  5. blueeyedheart

    The words “Whole Foods” on THAT particular sign did send me into paroxysms of joy, because it took me FOREVER to find it!!!

    Hmm… I wonder what it would be like to have an Alphabetical Eats Day? 😉 (Feel free to take up the challenge :p)

    <3 <3

  6. ksgoodeats

    You’re making me want to eat cereal and fruit with your ‘frosty’ descriptions. Summer is finally here as well and it’s icky – I can’t be pleased!

    “Sacha Baron Cohen trying to bring peace to the middle east through their mutual love of hummus” Seriously? Hummus will bring world peace – it brings peace to my stomach when it’s angry so it’s only natural for it to solve everything 🙂

  7. nutritionbyeve

    Love Whole Foods too!! I was at that location on Monday. I had lunch with a friend and her baby in Central Park yesterday, it was hot but in the shade it was so nice!

  8. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    Cute shorts in gray…I tried to buy those this past weekend on Sunday at the Nike store in San Diego…they were sold out, except for XS. Nice. And they also had white. Who buys white shorts to sweat in unless you are trying to do the running equivalent of a wet tshirt contest? Enjoy your shorts, and your WF food looks yum!

  9. julie

    shorts twins! I have them in two shades of blue 🙂 woop woop.

    WFWW (whole foods woop woop)
    I originally typed WWWW and then went to type out what it meant and said “wait a minute julie its WFWW” ra-tard.

    what a gawjuss view AND kickball!? I would have wanted to play!

  10. lowandbhold

    I’ve only seen a whole foods in the flesh once, and I didn’t get to hot-bar it. Sigh, tear, sob. Maybe this weekend though. MAAAYBE.

  11. Allison

    your whole foods meal looks so BRIGHT! god, i love that place!

  12. elise

    THAT, my dear, is reason enough to visit nyc!!! WF = heaven

  13. elise

    if there’s anything that can bring happiness to the world, i too, believe hummus would be that thing 🙂 should i audition for miss america? i think that answer makes me a shoe-in for the title

  14. elise

    WORD! why do they still even bother to make that color?! some nurses on other units here at the hospital have to wear white bottomed scrubs – i would seriously quit!! (good thing i wear green ones huh?)

  15. elise

    twinnyyyy! ok, maybe we should get that miley cyrus stalker to get the inside scoop on the jets pre-season b’nass…we are going about it way too legally…we need a creeper in our corner 😉

  16. elise

    OMG..Bonjour’s Caffe Froth changed my life. I think there was more info on this post: http://hungryhungryhippie.com/2009/01/21/don’t-judge-a-fig-by-it’s-cover/ But basically, it’s the easiest appliance (that takes up no space, costs very little $, and pays for itself in a month or less, depending on what a coffee fiend you are…)

    Am I like the new Billy Mays? I’m pimping this product like I’m LaLohan’s dad or something…

  17. elise

    I didn’t notice excessive burping, but it IS one of the more tart flaves. liked it, but only because I was in the mood for it. It’s a good thing they have so many flavors for my fickle taste buds! (or is it…?)

  18. elise

    I thought about that…might be kinda fun? Hmmm…I am intrigued 🙂