Alvarado Street bread

Please don’t pinch me

Happy (belated) St. Patrick’s Day!  I seriously forgot to wear green – yikes!  My grandpa would disown me if he knew such a thing!  This is also the first St. Patty’s in a long time that I didn’t celebrate with green beer.  I’ll try and make up for it this weekend.  But more on those plans later.  I definitely had a rough time waking up yesterday morning.  It didn’t help that midnight came and went and I was still awake… My alarm buzzed me back to life at 4:20, at which point Jillian and I… Read more >

Natural and Native Foods

After another LOOOOONG morning at the Natural Foods Expo, lunchtime rolled around and Kyle and I were beyond tired (read: ready to throw in the towel).  We came, we saw, we conquered, and we were exhausted.  Rather than return for another 5 hours of crowds and chaos, we decided that we had pretty much enjoyed everything Anaheim had to offer.  Game, set, match. With grumbling tummies (I don’t know how), we said goodbye to the Convention Center and set out to find a real meal.  A quick search on my blackberry revealed we weren’t too… Read more >

Expo Explosion

Imagine a Whole Foods the size of 15 football fields…now imagine browsing it’s aisles for two days straight…now imagine representatives from every product giving your samples of their latest and greatest to try (for free!)…and THAT, my friends, is EXPO WEST. In other words, hippie heaven. Friday started bright and early as Kyle and I made our way to Anaheim to register and all that jazz.  And before we knew it, the doors pearly gates opened and BAM! Instantly we were slammed with people pushing samples at us…nibbles and bites of savory, creamy, sweet, smooth,… Read more >


The titles I was considering with the letter “K” would all be flagged as inappropriate if taken out of context, so I will simply say, I had 3 different meals with “K” foods the other day.  The first was more of a breakfast snack really.  Enjoyed with a home-made cappuccino.  Make that a kappuccino (meaning it was dairy-free).  I frothed up a full cup of rice milk then heated it and added it to a shot of caffeine.  The foam took up half the cup, but the rest of the milk made the most rich… Read more >

Baked Eggplant Sticks

Well the post title says it all, doesn’t it?  The letter of the day was “e” and so I chose to hack up an eggplant.  I was trying to make fries, but they came out a bit on the mushy side, so I feel like a phony passing them off as such.  Frites they were not.  All I did was chop up the eggplant into matchstick shapes (aka “fries”). Then I did a little shake ‘n bake with Lawry’s seasoning.  I believe this photo accurately sums up my ghetto fabulous method. Then I lined them… Read more >