dried mixed fruit

(not) Sunset’s fruit and nut bars

My parents went to the Cal vs. Kansas basketball game the other night, so I was home alone with my sis and Kyle.  Bored, but too tired to do anything that involved changing out of PJs, I randomly decided to bake.  My mom always has tons of magazines on hand, including my faves, Bon Appetite and Sunset. I raided the cabinets and pantry… Not too shabby.   My parents didn’t have medjool dates…or dried apples…and not very much honey…soooo, yeah, I made quite a few changes to the recipe I was using.  Given that the ingredients… Read more >

The (new) Veggie Grill

On Saturday night I was invited to a pre-opening meal at a new restaurant… [these are the perks of food blogging that Kyle really enjoys] You may have heard of The Veggie Grill before, since they have a few other locations in the Southern California area.  This new site is mere blocks from our apartment, so we were both excited to try it out (for free no less!).  Several staff members welcomed us upon arrival and then explained the menu, highlighting the favorites while encouraging us to browse it for ourselves.  We both ended up… Read more >

That’s a lotta brown

Dude.  I can’t even begin to describe the past 18 hours.  I had a really rough day.  I was going a mile a minute from the second my shift started…and the first time I looked at the clock I was shocked.  Already 11:20!?!  Uhhhh…what!?  How could this be?  Because my job is time dependent (meds, blood draws, etc. all require a strict schedule) it’s rare that I’m not aware of the time.  Today, however, I never had a moment of rest.  Not even a millisecond.  I was definitely behind for most of the day…perpetually trying… Read more >

From drab to fab

In case you want a visual image with the post title, as you say it picture me snapping my fingers across my body with some serious sass.  And now roll your eyes. Ah well, we can’t all be divas. Nonetheless, my week’s work eats have been nothing short of amazing.  From drab… To fab.  🙂 On top of the quinoa, I chopped up the fattest pear I’ve ever seen (I’m not even exaggerating, it was a beastly looking fruit), and then some crushed cashews.  Not just plain cashews though.  I put them in a baggy,… Read more >

Coco & Cocoa & Cacao

Oh my!? It’s been a sweet sweet weekend so far in Hippie-land.  I’ll spare my male readers from any gory PMS details, but I think it’s pretty clear that my body’s chocolate cravings are well founded [as if you ever need an excuse to stuff your face with sweets!?]. My vampire schedule came to an end this week, and luckily enough, I slept like a baby through Thursday night.  It felt awesome.  And when I say that I slept like a baby, what I mean is I slept like a comatose patient, because my blackberry… Read more >