egg beaters

where the veggies at?

I realized over the last few days my meals have been really lacking in the green department! Hmmm…looks like I’ll have to get on that. Maybe later. For now, I need warmth. I woke up because I was shivering, so it looks like I will be getting the down blanket out of the closet for the rest of the winter…it’s f-ing COLD.At least I finally got a day off work so I could sleep in. I def drank my coffee in bed. My slippers are also on their very last legs (no pun intended), so… Read more >

candle day #1

AKA the 1st day of Hanukkah. Why are there 4 different ways to spell that? Well, since I work at a (technically) Jewish hospital, I know more than I ever thought I would about the kosher ways of the world. So, my blog title is in celebration of the festival of lights! Good thing my lunch didn’t have meat and dairy on the same plate…oh wait, I don’t eat meat OR dairy, so looks like I’m perma-kosher by default. I had to DRAG myself out of bed this morning. My alarm went off at 5… Read more >

like a black hole

I swear, I have been trying to get out of the C pod for a solid month! It’s loaded with chronic patients and I am slowly dying a bit more each day just being over there…so today I successfully made the transition. Here’s how it works. Both pods (B and C) are part of the cardiac critical care unit, but pod C has 9 rooms and B only has 8. So, since there are 2 nurses per side splitting the patient load, if you are stuck in hell (aka pod C) you may have 5… Read more >

skinny bitch in the kitch

Even after working 3 days in a row, I still couldn’t even sleep in! I woke up at 8 (but really just rolled over and turned the tv on). I actually got up an hour or so later, and got my coffee on.SO frothy šŸ™‚ A little later I decided to finish my dessert from last night. Yeah, vegan chocolate mousse is not exactly a typical breakfast food, but who’s to say I’m typical. Me? Normal? Not so much.More AM snacking continues…vanilla soy yogurt (these babies are HARD to find in the store lately, so… Read more >

economic recession, not so much!

Rise and shine, my Uncle Matt is in town. I woke up early-ish to get a few things done before the day got too far along. Actually, that’s a lie, Kyle got up early and dragged me out of bed with him. So I watched while he did laundry, made coffee, and went to the store for milk (oops, ran out last night curbing my hummus/bread late night fiesta). I’m so lucky to have such a fabulous boyfriend. I do my best to pull my weight, making him dinners on my days off, etc. but… Read more >